Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Roasted bags

He rose with the sun and lay holding on to the moon. To live to the measure of the times that the universe marks. To me, these are the heartbeats of freedom. The Tramontan (North Wind) blows again on the Costa Brava. After an intense summer, the sea has cooled down and the rain threatens. Flocks of birds are headed towards temperate latitudes, the most lazy mammals are seeking refuge for the next winter.

September again. A new working day has been set in motion and we are on a day-to-day basis. We recount the minutes and the agenda has priority. The precariousness of the labour market fosters production and we have made the holiday period a privilege rather than a necessity. We only have a few weeks a year for rest, knowledge and enjoyment. A gift I must thank the superiors.

I have to confess: this year I did not catch the plane either. You haven't known where I've been because I haven't left any trace of Instagram. Once I was told that the beautiful places had to be protected very carefully ... Humanity has destroyed too many sites in trying to conquer seas and forest stars. So my grandparents taught me to fight for the part of the world that has touched us to live. I picked up the witness.

The greedy beings who would like to put doors to the sea and cages in the wind are not satisfied with money. They reject the poor and stalk the dissident, forcing those who want to escape their control and misery into exile.

Living surrounded by nature and with the environment. Climb to the high peaks of the Pyrenees and caress the clouds. Descend through streams that will become rivers, join the Mediterranean to swim in a tide of civilizations. “Walking, there is no way, there is a road,” said the beloved Machado. And here we continued, through trails filled with vestiges of the past, through wild valleys and coasts, across the borders that the powerful had drawn thirsty to conquer the sky.

90 years ago we surpassed the steep hills that denied us in our house in search of utopia. Now, the waves of the sea allow us to devour our our brothers, we don't offer them a dignified island. On the remote shores they dream of our absolutely necessary territories.

The greedy beings who would like to put doors to the sea and cages in the wind are not satisfied with money. They reject the poor and stalk the dissident, forcing those who want to escape their control and misery into exile. However, the beaches and the mountains are there, although the truth is that we are also taking their lives. For sharks, bears and hyenas to be thrown at the jaws we've created, to show that the earth can't be stolen, because it doesn't belong to anyone, but to todos.Tenemos breathing pure air, but they still raise
more dust, the dust of the foundation they need to asphalt everything, because what they touch is ash. Let us continue to wait. Their poison has not penetrated through all the cracks, the fire burning the trees still animates many hearts.

The days are shortened, we go to the fall equinox, and every hour is a moment to change course: that they rescue us and know us at sea. Surely they still have their watches, we don't give them any more time for them to rob us.

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