Since its creation in 1996, the Euskal Herria Seed Network has been working on the protection and care of local varieties. The association has important accomplices in the protection and conservation of seeds: seed and fruit shelters. “They are the essence of our project: our protagonists are the guardians to keep the seeds and varieties on the grounds,” has acknowledged the dynamism of the Joseba Ibargurengoitia network.
On 21 September the network will distribute seeds and plants of local varieties at the Botanical Garden of Olarizu, in Vitoria-Gasteiz. At 11:00 hours Paco Saenz will offer a talk: Agriculture without surnames, simplifying knowledge. “Agriculture has many surnames in agroecology: regenerative, permaculture, biodynamic, ecological, natural… We use different names to reflect on it,” says Ibargurengoitia. After the talk, the seeds of the bank of the network will be shared among the people. “Participation is open, we contribute the varieties we have in great quantity.” Autumn and winter varieties shall be offered: The black bean among the grains of Astigarribia, the bean of Heredia, the lettuce of Martina, the pea of Ajangiz, the lettuce of Valdegovía… The initiative aims to be a showcase of seeds and guards and aims to attract new people.
Ibargurengoitia estimates that among the vegetable garden varieties of the seed bank there are more than 600, and in the case of fruit trees, more than 1,500. The seeds have been collected from the seven provinces of Euskal Herria during these years. “It’s hard to calculate the number of rangers, but more or less, there will be more than 200 seed rangers and about 300 fruit trees,” he explained.
This will be the fourth time that the seed has been distributed. He has told us that a lot of people have approached us in previous years and that the initiative has aroused interest. That is why those who want to take part in the initiative now have to register beforehand. Registrations can be made by calling 688 855 226 or writing to