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Good noise

  • After three decades and hundreds of concerts, on the 30th anniversary tour, we were able to see that His ta gar maintains its same strength. The Eibarrés quartet acted on the stage of Abandoibarra during the Aste Nagusia of Bilbao, the last concert of the tour. The performance brought together music and memories, as on a large screen older photographs and the most famous video clips of Su ta gar were shown.
Argazkia: Pedro Alonso (Metal Journal)
Argazkia: Pedro Alonso (Metal Journal)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

At the time, the members of Su ta gar appeared on the stage and began the concert without wasting time, with the sounds that put the audience jumping. Most of all at first, they touched the mythical pieces of their career, without a pause, with passion for the name. For a moment, they approached the quieter sounds, when they began to project the old pictures, but soon they continued to give the reed.

Many veterans of the festivities and gaztetxes of yesteryear were in the audience enjoying what the soundtrack of their youth could be. But in Abandoibarra there were also young people who were not born when His Ta Gar was born. The concert reached its peak when the songs of Jo ta ke y Libre followed. Aitor Gorosabel directed the microphone to the people, and those in the front row sang it gladly. It was a horrible noise, a good noise.

The quartet made a short break as they put on the screen the video clip The Revenge of Ancestors. The second part of the concert was heterogeneous: instrumental pieces, some shot (e.g., Itxaropena)... but decide to stop, of course. Likewise, His ta gar took the time to play some versions of the songs that “pushed” heavy-metal, as Gorosabel explained.
For a lot it offers Su ta gar, a long 30-year career, and was removed from beginning to end by the four musicians. They played mythical songs for people's enjoyment, but the concert didn't just stay in a tribute or a nostalgia. Beyond the memories, the two-hour performance took place in Eibar, a recital that left the audience satisfied. Those of His Ta Gar seemed not to feel any tiredness. In addition, the video clip Jo ta ke was hung on the screen.

Those who were on the stage showed their strength from time to time, and the fans who were underneath the stage started sweating and talking with the broken voice. The heavy-metal echo took Bilbao that night.

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2007-02-21 |
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