This summer, the US business association Business Roundtable presented a statement signed by leaders of 180 companies, employing 15 million workers. They say that workers must be “humanely compensated”, that the relationship with suppliers must be “ethical” and that the environment must be protected “by promoting sustainable practices in our
companies”. These statements could be made by the left. But what really lies behind them is a comprehensive strategy to prevent “rebellion” and the mobilisation of workers and popular sectors, driven by job insecurity, low wages and climate change, generated by this savage and predatory economic system.
Big investors demand concrete behaviour in order to make the money profitable. Because we cannot forget that sovereign funds and pension funds condition their investments so that companies comply with social and environmental minima.
Capitalism is therefore capable of moving, reforming and adapting. It cynically shows a kinder face in exchange for winning. It is a great subject for those of us who are committed to an alternative left-wing system: we do not agree to achieve a just, free, egalitarian, solidary, ecological and feminist society. As we are separated, we leave the way open to that united capitalism disguised.
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