Some want to leave the disobedience and tension of any society for later on, after having conquered Hegemony. Disobedience, however, has been a tool for the construction of hegemonies since today. An interesting experience has developed among those of us who would like to arouse disobedient conflicts and practices, but we are far from a popular, continuous and multitudinous struggle, which leads to disobedience in DNA. We need seductive proposals, but, above all, there is a lack of the decision to risk: freedom, the body and, above all, the pocket; also the risk of meddling.
On Sunday at noon a disobedient action was agreed on the G7 EZ platform. After changing day to day, finally Sunday morning the call of the Popular Wall was suspended. The decision was made by disappointed or angry by several people, both outside the platform and inside it.
There were two arguments. One, that the “physical integrity” of the demonstrators could not be guaranteed. But one of the pillars of the walls is their willingness to endanger bodies. The other is the arrest of Joseba Álvarez, a member of the platform, the night before in Madrid. Was the action in the hands of one person? That he was in detention and using his name, knowing that he would not suspend him? There does not seem to be enough determination and consensus to carry out this action.
Some of the world’s largest criminals have come to Euskal Herria to discuss their daily agenda, with 20,000 policemen guarded and de facto eliminating their rights. The summit has passed into democratic normality, and only initiatives have been taken with those who have left us without the right to protest from the agenda of the counter-summit. I say this without seeking to detract from what has been done.
In the forms of struggle we have lost a good opportunity to release some knots and make contributions. Let us use defeat to make the debates that have taken place after the summit in an interesting collective way. Disobedience and forms of struggle in general. It's a complicated, uncomfortable discussion that would probably cause injuries. But until we reach it, the situation of social struggle is complicated, there are already many discomforts among us and they are causing injuries. Yes, among the travelers.
Macron was pleased with Biarritz, also Oteiza, Kino’s businessman, who gave Trump the ham. But the G7 summit caused disappointment in the waves of revolutionaries. Some had gone to skate, because of undeclared demonstrations to set cities on fire, dressed in yellow or defying... [+]
What remains after the G7? A good communication operation for Macron, but with very poor diplomatic results in terms of results. However, for Euskal Herria it has been a significant fact: the response of the sociopolitical agents at the same time and, on the one hand, the action... [+]
Aktualitate beroan, zenbait kasuan kiskali gaituen aktualitatea. G7aren eta honi aurre egin zion kontra-gailurraren bilanaz mintzatuko gara. Ez da gure asmoa polemikak edo barneko trapu zikinak ateratzea, baina bai ostatuetan, bilkura geletan edo sare sozialetan aipatzen den... [+]