Of course I like libraries. Buying books raises my glucose. I do it often in bookstores -- they gave me the VIP card in the neighborhood. But there are books that are hard to buy. And what do you want me to say to you? Leaving aside the ease of portals that can be found along the network, I prefer the option offered by an application like Wallapop, not to say adventure.
In this way I have won neither one nor two jewels: some indiscoverable uncatalogued copy, some edition that specialized sellers sold five times more expensive, some novelty that, however new it was, presented in a quarter of the store price. And I know that, confessed to this secret, we run the risk of us all looking for Wallapop as crazy. But being realistic, who is interested in this kind of business?
The last book I received from the application was 100 meters from Ramón Saizarbitoria, a first edition, two euros a balde. I'll tell you how. I contacted the seller using José's fake name. I was not surprised by the place he has chosen for the exchange, the plaza of the Constitution of San Sebastian. More hours, at 8 a.m. There I am, punctual. All of a sudden, dry steps behind. Just in case, leaving the City Hall on the right, I lead the steps towards the Zamudio Terrace. My suspicions are confirmed when I see an uncle running after a few meters. Then comes a new sound that breaks the balance of sounds. I've been in my stomach for the shot I've been waiting for. I know I'm dead. Six seconds. It's given me time to evaluate the vendor. With five stars, of course.
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