However, in some European countries it is claimed that it was a compatriot who invented: In Strasbourg, Johannes Mentelin, Italy, Panfilo Castaldi and Holland, Laurens Coster. And yet, printing presses were using moving rates in motion in China by the 11th century.
Two Sheng, born in China in 990, is considered the inventor of mobile types. At first, the entire page printed the wood-carved texts. This was not new; similar techniques were used, for example, in Ancient Rome. But the next step was to make the letters one by one and move the letters to compose any text. Bi Shenge also used ceramics instead of wood.
In Korea, in the 14th century, the Mongols burned a single copy of the Buddhist sacred text Jikji. Then, the minister of the Goryeo dynasty, Choe Yun-ui, thought about taking advantage of the invention of Bi Shengen. With the technique of making coins to the Chinese invention, he invented mobile metal types, and so, in 1377, he copied Jikjia as many times as he would like in the new imprenta.La Gutenberg's contribution to the printing of books and, therefore, to the dissemination of knowledge cannot
be questioned, but he did not invent the printing press and the Bible is not the oldest printed book, although some accepted it. In 2001, UNESCO declared that Jikji is the oldest printed book retained.
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