Do you like the tree? If you are a Basque dependent on Spain, you have 150 trees left. This number of trees is the one we have in our forests, per head, according to the inventory prepared by the Government of Madrid in 2015. 425 million trees live in the four territories. More than half in Navarre, 240 million; in Álava, 81 million; in Bizkaia, 55 million; and in Gipuzkoa, 49 million. According to the population at the time, 376 trees belonged to each Navarre, 253 to the Alavés, 69 to the Guipuzkoan and 49 to the Biscayan tree. An average of 150 trees.
The occupation of the territorial forest is the inverse of the absolute quantities, that is, the proportion of land occupied by the trees that affect us. The forest occupies the largest proportion of the territory, more than half in Gipuzkoa (61 per cent) and in Bizkaia (59 per cent). Just under half in Álava (46.5%) and the lowest proportion in Navarra: In Madrid, 33% and 43% according to the government of the autonomous community. These proportions of marine territories are among the most populous countries in Europe.
Forests are divided into three basic groups: natural forests, planted forests and galleries. It is thought that the former are self-developed forests. The second ones are planted by us. Those in the gallery are forests located around rivers, rivers and banks, forming tunnels or cavities that rise above trees that grow on both sides of the water.
The other distribution of forests is made according to the type of trees: leafy, coniferous, mixed... According to CAPV 2018 data, the leafy forests account for 49.75% of the forest (194.929 ha), conifers 45.46% (178.119 ha) and eucalyptus 4.78% (18.750 ha). In Navarre the hardwoods represent 60% of the forest (853,683 ha), conifers 28% (437,937 ha) and both mixed 12% (184,420 ha).
The 150 trees that belong to you, where do you want them, in which territory? And what kind of eucalyptus, pine, bee, beech, birch, alisos?
I have left out of these accounts almost 300,000 people from Ipar Euskal Herria. In fact, I've put my nose everywhere to the point of almost going crazy to get accurate data from the forests, but in vain. And, in your opinion, would Iparralde's data increase or decrease the number of trees that correspond to you and me?
The dust has lifted the actions of a group of strangers against a Kutxabank monoculture in the Urola valley. In this regard, ENBE, ENBA and GBE (Gipuzkoako Basozale Elkartea) offered a press conference. They condemned the fact and called for the perpetrators to punish it.
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