Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Hay suit

In North America lies a sits that shows in its green slopes white, wavy stripes. The scientific name is Synchlora aerata and is called wavy emerald sits or camouflaged sits. The emerald color of its wings is the most characteristic of the moth. But before the snow expands through its sleek wings, it has to be tiptoe, before it sits is a caterpillar, a renowned caterpillar.

This insect belongs to the family Geometridae. Geometridae is a name made up of the Greek, which means that it measures the earth. The caterpillars of that family's insects don't crawl, they crawl on their legs. It is also known as “the caterpillar of the inch”, as to move it will rise on the back legs and stretch the body down on the front legs. Walking, the ground swells in an inch, as if it were measured.

The caterpillar likes the flowers of the family of compounds or the family of congregates: those of the genus Aster of the queen margarita, those of the genus Solidago of the golden palo, those of the genus Artemisia of the worm herb and the herb of the asensio, those of the genus Achillea of the mile and those of the genus Rudbecki, Ageratum, Ageratina. It also does not disregard non-composites, including those of the genus Salvia de la anguilla y la salvia, those of the genus Salvia de la sanguijuela or milazul (Hypericum perforatum) and those of the genus Rubus de la zarza y la frambuesa de los rosáceos and those of the genus Rosa de la spiaña y la rosa.

Right now we have most of these flowering plants. Take it quietly and look at the flower. You won't see him at first glance. Not even a second glance, probably. Suddenly, in the flower you can notice some strange movement, a part of the flower in a dance that doesn't belong to the rest. Sits is a camouflage caterpillar. That's where the camouflage comes from. It will cut the pieces of the petals of the flower you want to eat and stick them firmly on your back to make them look outwardly like the other petals of the flower. So he'll dress in every flower with a perfect camouflage for him, and birds and other predators will have a hard time guessing where he is. If you want to keep eating quietly in the same flower or in the same, and the petals on your back have faded and worn down and painted, removed and put on the new ones. It was indeed a caterpillar suit.

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