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Tightening the rope, without cutting the rope

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Between fog and falcon | Abereh
Bonberenea Ekintzak, 2019

The musician from Encartación Abereh has made a big album. They are nice songs, very well dressed, quiet ones and other more alive ones. It has created intimidating, exciting environments.

In the songs there are worries, feelings, needs, desires, dreams. Relationships, relationships. Sometimes we feel lost, sometimes we see a ray of light. We pull the rope, we tighten the rope, but we don't cut the rope. The cover of the disc shows the pulp very well. “Always keeping the secret of what we did, you told me to unwrap the rope and I jumped, but I didn’t repent, we tried to fly,” as Ekaitz says, singing to escape tonight.

Under the pseudonym of Abereh, Erik Berganza, a member of Estricalla, launched a project a few years ago to work alone. In 2017 he published his first work entitled Zaunka etor arin and in June of this year he published his second work, the Laino Belatz artean, with seven songs composed and recorded in his own house.

As in the first work, acoustic melodies, folk predominate in the last album, although occasionally distortions and fuzz sounds can be heard. In fact, with the Estricalla group, it makes a sound like hardcore, a sound, and it moves away from songs that play at full speed, but without giving up the distortion, it has composed songs of rock or acoustic grunge.

J. The songs include Mascis, Lou Barlow, Kurt Vile, Califone, David Bazan, Jeremy Enigk, Brian Fallon and Chuck Ragan, and Dinosaur Jr. and Hüsker Dü. “These are songs that have seen the light after hearing enough,” according to the author. The work has been carried out after a period of "a pregnancy of several months". “It has been a long process. But here it is and now the best comes, take the road and stick!”

Thus, a long tour has begun, and after playing in June in different localities of Euskal Herria, Galicia, Valencia, Castellón, Madrid and other cities of the Spanish State, in the coming weeks you will find new themes, exciting and fascinating the public.

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