After listening to the last song by the Chromb group in Lyon (France), the trio of the same city Poil (hair in Basque) has risen to the stage. The battery, bass and keyboard make up the group that has as its main axis the powerful math rock. The asses that had hitherto been laid on the ground have quickly risen and started to shake the first heads, although the rhythms are not easy to follow.
With an immense Groove, the battery and low repeat long and complicated sentences, offering the keyboard player a broad and solid space to play. The latter, especially through monophone sounds, has made long improvisations, contrasting with the bass’s correction. The battery is between the two, always on a thread, never falling. At the crossroads of free jazz and progressive rock, it is clear that the trio has fun on the scene, although each one of them is concentrated throughout the session.
The group has presented us with their latest work Sus, playing all songs on the order of the album. As the songs are inspired by Occitan poetry, the three members of the group have sung in Occitan, in three of the votes. Adding polyphonies to an already singular musician, they've created mystical environments. We've been stuck in the trance.
They all have a very elaborate sound. The keypad uses two Midi keyboards with delay effects. Like a guitar, look for the highest frequencies to make way to the bass. The battery is quite minimalist, with two timbals, and the cymbals provide a warm color, without excessive flashes. The low, for its part, thanks to natural distortion, has provided us with a fat but precise sound.
Even though we've been very happy for the audience, Poil's music isn't that easy to hear. I was confirmed by the fact that after them it was possible to see a group of A-Wa who took the scene. But the strength of Müsika Egüna has always been that: a weekend of music for music lovers.
The Poil group has allowed me to meet a rich and hyperactive collective: The label Dur et Doux from Lyon. It consists of nineteen groups, among which special groups can be found, such as the one that led to the meeting between Piniol, Poil and Ni, among others. The group consists of two basses, two guitars, two batteries and a keyboard. If you like technical and powerful music, don’t hesitate!
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Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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