How are we not going to be happy?” he added the baker following the conversation, and for a moment I have put the festival and the peoples living from tourism in my head. But there is no comparison possible. In addition to the four bars of the village square, the products sold at the volunteer positions are produced in Irisarri or surroundings, from the stalks to the beer served late in the morning. The economic impact of the EHZ festival on the people is undeniable, but it could have raised more doubts about the realization of other values such as respect for the neighbors. That is why I am most pleased that the baker has said “good atmosphere”, because that has been said by someone who does not live in the festival of the festive atmosphere has a lot of value. And even more so if we've lived it by those of us who've been inside.
Since the first hour of the morning, many groups of volunteers have been set up, including the Green Brigade, responsible for cleaning. Most toilets, probably, need cleaning, or more than cleaning, they need to be delivered, rather than sawdust. You wouldn't have a bit of order wrong either; empty the waste in the container and ready. I have found a bathing system never found in the festive spaces of Hego Euskal Herria, a different model: a dry or ecological bath. There was no more than a lot of sawdust and a pot at your disposal, nor water and pipelines that, after the chemical treatment of the waste, would send them to the sewage treatment plant. It has a cup and paper, but it doesn't have any similarity to the traditional bathroom style. Furthermore, it is an excellent way to avoid stench, as it is the sawdust that fulfills this function.
The most important thing is that these toilets are neither purchased nor solicited from another person: EHZ members have already spent several years. In many other activities of Ipar Euskal Herria, these baths have also been used, which are given to those who are willing to make good use of them, as explained by Irati, member of the organization. This activity is a good example of what it is to put values into practice: environmentalism, self-management and collaboration with other actors.
Transition to innovation
The Euskal Herria Zuzenean festival has been held from 1996, year after year, until in 2014 they received the first blow: a storm ruined the festival and caused a big economic hole. In 2017 it can be said that the EHZ hit bottom: on the eve of the festival, weather forecasts predicted a very bad time, so they decided to suspend the festival to avoid further losses. The team then immersed itself in an internal working process: soon after the crowdfunding campaign was launched, the money needed to cover the hole was raised. But the hole didn't just stay on the economic side.
In 2017 and 2018, the group opened a phase of reflection for the association to be redefined. The festival held a major life-and-death conference at Gaztetxe Zizpa in Baiona, driven by the disparity between the projects that had been carried out until then and the new generations. There it was agreed to give the witness, to leave the veterans responsible and to take the baton of command by the young people. The members of the new group concluded that they needed deep internal work, not mediatedly, for the mere organization of a festival, as by pressure. It was a rigid decision. No EHZ festival would be held in 2018; yes, but, as an alternative, EHZ Nomada. For three days, the festival was divided into three villages: Baigorri, Baiona and Itsasu. The group was at the time of the transition, as if it was trying to find itself.
They pledged to return in 2019, and in March it was reported that this year’s edition will be held in Irisarri on 28, 29 and 30 June. A resounding return was promised and promised, with news in terms of format and objectives. The current renewed RSI has two main axes: political and cultural content. In addition to the Euskaltzale consciousness, the main objective is to give young people agents an instrument of struggle and, on the other hand, to achieve a varied cultural offer beyond the hegemonic culture, in line with the values of the RSI. Always prioritizing popular culture and Basque culture.
The new group has brought novelties for this year’s edition, and the main one, coinciding with the first axis mentioned above, has been the workshops. To this end, the mid-day of the festival has been exploited, with five proposals in an extraordinary programme: the sexist aggressions between friends and in general, the reflection on the holiday model, the social impact of the G7 summit to be held in Biarritz in August, the political consequences of self-management and self-organisation, and the reception of migrants in many parts of Euskal Herria. More than ideas limited to theory, they have tried to guide the debate to sessions and reflection, understood as tools.
Basque oasis for all
Anyone who has heard French through Lower Navarre and has seen French posters often, whatever their age, would say that Irisarri is a kind of oasis of territory; the centre of an oppressed culture and society. Created by young people, but produced for everyone. And built between them. A popular oasis, in which almost everything has been heard in Basque, both on one side and on the other.
In Irisarri we have found a broad offer for young people, not so young, children, adults and everyone. As soon as you start climbing the hill, the children's corner: a beautiful park in a careful meadow. On Sunday dozens of boys and girls played throughout the day, with a favorable program – theatre, circus workshop for children, inflatable… – as many families have chosen to go.
EHZ members have prepared a comprehensive programme. For three days, some of the most relevant Basque groups of the time have gone through the stage of the Plaza and Pentecost: Liher, Koban, Gari, Anari, Willis Drummond and Iseo&Dosound, among others, as well as Basque groups that, although they have a shorter journey, have drawn the attention of the public, such as Alba or Ibil-Bedi. As for style, one was as different as the other, but at the same time, most of them had similarities: the Basque. Concerts and shows totally different for the same cause.
More than 500 people have been working in auzolan for this holiday model. Although the festival lasts for three days, it lasts up to three weeks, including montages and dismantles. 500 volunteers. Many of them only did so during the weekend, occupying shifts of all kinds, both portable and not so portable. Many others, on the other hand, have spent the whole year thinking about the tasks of each moment of the three days, developing the program and sweating and putting the stress, nerves and sweat necessary to bring all the activities to a successful conclusion. And not only in Irisarri: there are innumerable places in the Basque Country in which there is such a movement. It is amazing the number of parties, activities or weekend walks that are organized, by will, militancy, by heart. And this kind of work is rarely visible.
Although this Basque oasis built on the weekend has been completed in Irisarri, it has been noted that the association that will be responsible for developing and disseminating the Basque conscience in Ipar Euskal Herria is already quite strengthened. You've seen that motivation is enough to overcome all the obstacles. They seem to come with the intention of being faithful to youth for many years: the RSI has come to stay.
Bi urteko geldialdiaren eta talde aldaketaren ostean, EHZren berrikuntzarik nabariena eta landuena tailerren ezartzea da ziurrenik. Artikuluan aipatu bezala bost bloketan banatu dituzte, denak larunbatean, goiz eta arratsaldez: eraso sexistak, festa eredua, G7, autogestioa eta migrazioa. Azken honetan sartu du muturra ARGIAk, goizeko saioan. Migrazioaren azken urteotako testuingurua eta honi erantzuteko sortu diren elkartasun sareak aztertu dute Baionako Etorkinekin elkartearekin, Gernikako Eztenarekin eta Artea herriko proiektu eta kolektiboen parte hartzearekin. Ipar eta Hego Euskal Herriko praktikak eta ikuspegiak jomugan jarriz, Euskal Herrira iristen diren etorkinen inklusioaz mintzatu dira oro har.
Urte luzez, Afrikatik Europarako bidea Italiatik egin izan dute etorkin gehientsuenek, baina Europar Batasunak Mediterraneo itsasoan –batik bat Adriatikoaren ingurumarian– ezarritako politikek oztopoak eragin eta norabidez aldatzera behartu ditu Europara datozen pertsonak; Espainiako Estaturako bidea hartzen dute, eta handik, Euskal Herritik pasatuz, Frantziako Estatura pasatu asmo dute Europara zabaltzeko. Horregatik dago aspaldiko mugimendu handiena Irun eta Hendaiaren artean, hala azaldu du Etorkinekin elkarteko Amaiak.
Hiru urte eta erdiko bizia du Etorkinekinek. Baionan –bertan dago harrera zentroa–, Angelun eta Biarritzen egiten dute lan, eta batik bat, adin txikiko etorkinen gizarteratze eta etxekotzean aritu dira. Amaiak, adibidez, etxean hartu ditu zenbait etorkin eta errefuxiatu. Lehen unetik adierazi du administratiboki alde nabarmenak daudela Frantziako eta Espainiako Estatuaren artean, azken honek eskumen eta aukera zabalagoak uzten dituela-eta; hots, ez duela Frantziako Estatuak duen zorroztasuna. Dena den, bi lan-ildo argi bereizi dituzte talde barnean: sentsibilizazio ekimenak antolatzea eta instituzioekiko salaketa lan-taldea. Erakundeei ardura handiagoa eskatu behar zaiela dio Amaiak, batik bat, halako arazo puntualetan eragina izan dezaketen tokian-tokikoei: “Ez dugu sinesten erakundeen jardunean, nahiz eta tokiko instituzioek baduten ardura garrantzitsua”.
Gernikan kokatzen den Eztena proiektuko Asierrek argi du beste eragileekin lankidetzan aritu beharra. Herriko gazte asanbladatik sortu zen iaz Eztena. Eraikin bat apirilean okupatu arren urrian eman zioten oraingo erabilera, Bizkaiko Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak taldeak Bilboko etorkinen egoera larria ikusirik. Bilbotik Gernikara bideratu zituzten zenbait errefuxiatu, baina ez soilik harrera eman eta zaintzera; Asierren ustez giltzarria hemengo bizimodura ohitzea da, eurekin elkarlanean jardun eta integratzera. “Ez gara sorospenerako zerbitzu, elkarlanean euren bizi-baldintzak hobetzea da gure xedea”, dio Asierrek.
Arazoa, baina, Mendebaldeko herrialdeetako bizi-erritmo altua dela uste du, eta horrek zailtasun handiak sortzen dituela bien aldetik bateraketa bat ematerakoan. Harrera eman bai, baina autonomoak izatera bultzatu behar dira, beraiek ere parte diren proiektuan emaile ere izan daitezen: “Hemengo bizimodura moldatu ahal izateko autonomia garatzen badute eta eurek ere proiektuan inplikatuko balira, guri ere arnasa emango ligukete, eta gainera, gero etorriko liratekeen errefuxiatuekin erlazionatzea errazagoa izango litzateke”.
Arteako proiektuko Malu ere bat etorri da Asierrekin: “Erakunde publikoetatik kanpo lan egiten ahalegindu gara gu, baliagarriagoa izango zaigulakoan”. Administrazioarekin talkak izan dituztela aipatu eta adibidetzat jarri du Guatemalatik etorritako emakume baten kasua: herriko emakumeei berak dakien erara josten erakusteko tailerrak antolatu zituzten Artean, baina Udalak arazoak jarri zituen. Horren aurrean erantzun egin zuten: “Azken finean, marra desobediente horiek igaro behar dira eraikitzeko”.
Familia etorkinak hartu dituzte gehienbat Bizkaiko Artea herrian, eta saiatu dira batik bat, helduekin are zailagoa izanik, haurrei independentzia eman eta herrian errotik integratzen. Eskolara eraman dituzte horretarako baimena duten haurrak, baina guztientzat antolatzen dituzte astean birritan bestelako klaseak. Apurka-apurka, epe luzera begira, pertsona horiek gizartearen parte eta giltzarri izatea da euren xedea. Dena den bakoitzari egokitu behar zaiola adierazi du Maluk, norberak helburu ezberdinak ditu-eta.
“Euskal Herria harrera herria izan behar da”, berretsi dute hiruek. Askorentzat oraindik etorkinak ikusezin direla eta horretarako, sentsibilizazio programak eta salaketak funtsezkoak direla aipatu dute. “Berebizikoa da gizarteari geure ateak zabaltzea eta geure bizitzeko modeloa bajatzea”, dio Amaiak.
Elkarteak ekainaren 27, 28 eta 29an Arberatzen (Nafarroa Beherea) izango den jaialdian izateko aurresalmenta abiatu du ostegunean. Hiru eguneko sarrerak 43 euro balioko ditu eta Ipar Euskal Herriko "lau ertzetatik" festibalera hurbiltzeko autobusak antolatuko dituztela... [+]
Beware! Achtung! “Pass the message. When we come to the CER, control the huge flika with the chakurros!” Cases... At Amikuze you can't leave it alone either, he said one of the festivals that after passing control he tries to park his car. He has later seen that message that... [+]
Nola ezar euskara, gal-bidean, ahal-bidean eta zabal-bidean? Galdera horri ihardukitzen entseatuko da Mattin Irigoien Zabalik elkarteko kidea, ostegun honetan eskainiko duen mintzaldian.
2 in Irisarri (Nafarroa Beherea), at the EHZ festival.
Anyone who has ever been to the LER knows what Sunday is. We are there. This year the rain invites us to be under the cover of the van, but as... [+]
On the one hand the heavy rain, on the other the unbearable sauna. And the sun of Sunday afternoon, excessive for many. Maybe not, but it was convenient to bring the umbrella as light as possible, as at any time it touched the rain, but it was also hot, so it was essential to... [+]