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United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran... Who attacks oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman?

  • On 19 May, four oil tankers were damaged with explosives in the port of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates. On 13 June, two other people were attacked and burned in the Gulf of Oman. Who is waging war? We bring to the Basque Country excerpts from the analysis “Trump turns against himself the ‘Maximum Pressure’ campaign against Iran” published by the blog Moon of Alabama, which must always take into account geopolitical issues – and clearly the opposite of EE.UU.
‘Kokuka Courageous’ petrolio-ontzi japoniarra minaz lehertarazita 
sutu zuten ekainaren 13an Omango Golkoan.
‘Kokuka Courageous’ petrolio-ontzi japoniarra minaz lehertarazita sutu zuten ekainaren 13an Omango Golkoan.

As in the Middle East, there are many in the United States who are interested in provoking a military conflict with Iran. Most of them are able to launch clandestine attacks on civilian vessels. It was clear that the United States was going to accuse Iran of being the country responsible for the attack. But the Israeli analysts also question whether Iran is responsible for these latest attacks and whether Iran is responsible. The German Government is suspicious of the credibility of the video shown by the Americans. Others see contradictions in the story of the Americans.

Of course, Israel is the most likely candidate to be liable for a false attack with a false flag attack. Prime Minister Netanyahu has revolted this country over the past 25 years against Iran. He has often threatened to attack directly, but he would have liked the United States to do so. The Israeli secret service Mossad is able to carry out such operations, as it is known that Israeli submarine vessels have been attacked in the Arab Sea.

Saudi Arabia is heavily affected by the Huthi forces at its southern borders. Iran helps them. If the United States attacked Iran, they would bring relief to the Saudis. Sauit needs the oil barrel to be above $60 to finance the expenses of its State. Anything that causes prices to rise is good for them, including attacks on oil tankers. Jamal Khaxoggi proved that the Saudis are able to carry out clandestine attacks without any scruples.

In the crime of Yemen, the Saudi Arabian partner is the United Arab Emirates, with the ruthless government of Mohammad bin Zayed. Bin Zayed is one of the major drivers of anti-Iran policies in the United States. Eric Prince, of the company Blackwater, was hired to build his mercenary army. Prince has been a U.S. Marine, trained for clandestine operations at sea, where marines learn to put bombs on the bottom of boats.

U.S. President Donald Trump has introduced those who hate in Iran into his administration. National Security Advisor John Bolton has been calling for regime change in Tehran for years and, as you know, avoids the chain of military hierarchies.

The CIA is also there. Two years ago, a new operations centre was set up to attack Iran with the following objectives: “Iran Mission Center will gather and unify analytics, staff for CIA operatives and specialists to deliver all the agency’s capabilities, including covert actions.”

False flag attacks have long been a greed of the United States. [The War of Independence erupted] Boston Tea Party was conducted by settlers disguised as Hindus. Do you remember [from Cuba to declare war on the Spaniards] from Maine? Did the Tonkín attack ever occur [to declare war on Vietnam]? The false chemical attacks perpetrated by activists paid by the United States to instill the Syrian Government?

In addition to the states, more archers have been able to attack the oil tankers in the Gulf of Omá n.Los MEK peasants have already attacked Iran, but it is not the only team. Only in the last two years has Balkutsch on the border with Pakistan, the Arab separatists of the Ahvaz movement, the Islamic State, the Kurdish groups…

They all have reason and ability to commit such attacks, leaving Iran guilty of it. Therefore, anyone can answer: “Look what the old fuck!” when Pompeo says from the United States. United States It couldn't be "no one but Iran."

If I'm in trouble, then we're all tight.

However, if we put ourselves in the position of the Iranian authorities, we will realise that it is very possible that they are, as Asia Times said in an analysis disseminated in the fair days on the new Iranian strategy: An Iranian high office has acknowledged that the aim of the Iranians is to pressure the Saudis to ask Trump to reduce pressure on Iran. But for Tump to reduce its pressure is not enough for the Iranians, who want the U.S. President to completely erase the ‘maximum pressure’ campaign… and for that Iran is going to direct all its pressure to Trump.

Elijah Magnier, who has very good sources in the upper classes of Tehran, just wrote on his blog: “Sources very close to the major Iranian decision-makers have repeated these words from President Hassan Rouhani and the international adviser to the supreme leader, Sayyed Khamenen, Ali Akbar Velaya: ‘If Iran cannot sell oil through the Gulf of Persia, no other in the Middle East will be able to sell oil.’

More information from this source: "In the Gulf the conflict will only be alleviated if sanctions against Iran and Iran are abolished. Otherwise, more attacks can occur and the tension increases. If Iran suffers, everyone will suffer the same. […] Trump has opted for the maintenance of this status quo, but Iran is not in the interests of it, because its economy is suffering forcefully. It would be Trump’s hands to cover with a handkerchief the deep economic wound and stand still until Trump finishes his first term. That's not going to happen. In the Gulf the tension was created by Trump and the nuclear deal was broken, which he now pays the price. If Iran cannot export its oil, that means it has to be prepared for war.” I mean, Iran says to Trump: “If you want maximum pressure, here’s our answer.”

The situation is now tremendously complicated and contradictory, because both Iran and its enemies have the same tactical interests. The two sides want things to get hotter in the region. It is therefore certain that there will be more such attacks.

Iran estimates that Trump, when he sees the danger, will realize that such a conflict could lead his president to a fall.

We have to figure out that they will act like a cat and a mouse in the next twelve months. Trump is under pressure on both sides. Until spring and summer 2020, there is scope for deciding between the two options. In that time, we will have to see more accidents in this oil tanker war. There are too many protagonists who have reasons and capacities for this type of aggression, all willing to deny their responsibility. That is why the situation is so dangerous.

So far, Moon of Alabama's analysis. It has left out Russia, China, Europe ... And they all have – we have – a lot at stake in the Gulf of Oman.

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