What does it mean to achieve good results in the elections? Ideologically, parties that coincide with the status quo tend to achieve institutional power and, furthermore, prefer to submit to it all political analyses. In the elections, what is well done is rewarded. And it's over. That should not be allowed, but, in spite of that, the institutions are framed in a broader (left-wing) political objective by parties with breakthrough proposals. Institutional power can be another, perhaps fundamental, but always understood as an instrument to deepen the transformation of society. What else could I do?
It would be a bad thing if the PSN ruled and did not become a government of UPN or of Navarra Suma. On the one hand, because it is the only way to continue destroying the clientele network of power built for decades and to overcome extreme marginalization.
In Navarra (Nafarroa Garaia) for example, it is difficult to say that the results of Geroa Bai and EH Bildu have not been good. However, they are not enough to hold the quadripartite. The change was caused by several structural sociological factors, but also by many other factors related to the moment and the conjuncture. It should be remembered that the numbers and the distribution of seats remained only a few votes. In part, the formation of a government of progress was possible thanks to the environment of Podemos, and the same has now happened with the votes that have remained outside the scope of the quadripartite and that have gone largely to the PSN. In any case, leaving aside the pains of the recent past and looking coldly, it would be a bad way to govern the PSN and not to have a government of UPN or of Navarra Suma. On the one hand, because it is the only way to continue destroying the clientele network of power built for decades and to overcome extreme marginalization. On the other hand, it would drive the change in the SNP, gradually moving it to its position in the CAV. For years, it would lead him to adopt other attitudes from the membership and sustainability of the regime. It is not clear from Madrid if they are going to allow that role change: Navarre is a matter of state, yesterday, today and tomorrow. In any case, the challenge is to continue reinforcing those structural tendencies that led to change and, at the same time, to avoid demotivation and frustration. Before the elections it was possible, and it is still possible.
In the CAV, the PNV maintains an upward trend compared to the previous legislature. Moderation and stability have become the main brand value of the PNV, and many votes that traditionally went to the Spanish right have taken refuge in it. But not only that set, because the central situation allows you to catch the voices on all sides, thank you/right, homeland/homeland. From a country point of view, what they mean, it is better for the People’s Party to lose political representation and to have an impact on the long-term identity framework. It is true that the PNV is one of those parties that move for electoral reasons and that to get fat from this Spanish sector can move it away from sovereign positions. It is the pact with the PSE that guarantees such a share of power. On the other hand, the results of HD Bildu are also quantitatively very good. But it has a more difficult balance to escape the web of sterile moderation that drives the elections and, at the same time, continue to expand its field. In the game of agreements too, new opportunities will have to be exploited, always within a broader objective. Things seem to change nothing, but they change and, above all, they can change. It has to be maintained.
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