We remember the times when workers were hired at any price and condition in the squares of towns and cities. In the so-called “Transition” of the Spanish State, a series of basic rights were conquered: the law of labor relations, the right to strike, civil, social and labor advances – among them holiday days, as explained in the report of this issue – and finally, the Workers’ Statute in 1980, which is already obsolete. Subsequently, with the labor reforms in the service of the Capital, the situation deteriorated and these advances have been completely limited. Technological innovations, when opposed to citizenship, such as riders or trades, do nothing but deepen the deterioration of industrial relations.
Pujam Koirala recently died in Barcelona after being hit by a car where she was travelling with her daughter. Glovo carried out a subaltern work on bicycles by the distribution company. That worker did not seem to have the right to do so. No? Who will take care of his death now? In fact, the macro-trial against abusive digital platforms in the Spanish state has just begun, through which companies like Glovo are fed, and affects 532 distributors.
The capitalism around us is so savage, although some call it liberalism to sweeten a little. But no. We're facing the cruellest version of capitalism and it makes us go back to the 19th century. Another labour reform is needed to cope with this situation. If we do not form an anti-capitalist solidarity front, there will be more workers without rights every day, and the law of the jungle will follow!
Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da. Zortzi libertimendu muntatu dira aurten, eta datozen asteetan,... [+]