"Did you think I wouldn't be there when you woke up?" ", he told us the illustration of the panorama. Adur Larrea puts every week an image on the political landscape. Like the microerralate “When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there” by Augustus Monterroso, he also reflected to us human history – a giant political world.
On this occasion he illustrated the analyses of the governments of the European Parliament, of the municipalities and of the outbreaks of Spain. The elections of the last two months have given rise to many analyses and opinions: “The extreme right in Europe, not as much as the polls say.” “A reinforced PNV-PSE alliance has emerged. The PNV-PSE is superior and comfortable.” We can hit, EH Bildu joyfully.” However, “in the incomplete left alternative, EH Bildu and Podemos”. “The far right has stood still for the time being.” “Chivite lehendakari?” “Independence with forcefulness in Catalonia”. “They have the key in Madrid.”
Unlike those written in our environment, as well as in other media, each in their (h) ideology. Has the end of human history come in the 21st century? Or was it? That is, the era of ideology is over. The “man” until the 20th century was extinct. Has it gone extinct? Has any other person been born? Wow! ?
I don't see it. Here and in the world, what prevails is “ideology”. The world is built on political – economic – ideas. Depending on the ideas of the politicians we choose and on which they establish the world economy – and the war – that is, according to the mandates of the G7, the IMF or the multinationals.
After the failure of communism, it not only commands capitalism, not just neoliberalism. Not only do we live according to capitalism – it gives me too much. It was the communism of Lenin, Mao, Stalin and so on. (on the side of Marx), the powers from the bottom up – the verticalities. Now, horizontality makes us freer. Yes? No, no!
Big Brother has lived us. Don’t just imagine the United States – just by gendaring me as the world’s leading player. We are ubiquitous. We do not need heads or hierarchies. Everyone has an older brother in their own house. In the hope of “Arreba”… Neurocapitalism has made us live (read, Larrun#242 of Argia, written by Gorka Bereziartua). And not only do neurocapitalism live us, but the neurointernet and the neuro-saresocial, neurodevelopment lives us.
The elections have been held in Europe, in the State, in the Outskirts, and also in the Biscayan municipality. It is my hope that democracy can be carried out locally. Knowing that hope can also be an evil, because it prolongs the pain of women and men.
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