With 110,000 inhabitants, the steel industry already employed 12,000 people, but now the sector is no longer reaching 2,400 workers, and given the subcontracting, only 3,000 people live in the industry. 80% of the working population of the Italian city voted on the left before. Now, most of them are unemployed and vote for the league, the Salvini far-right party, which has been rejected. “The left has betrayed us,” says Emanuel, 49, one of the workers who feels abandoned. The left has disappeared in the historic working-class neighborhoods and the far-right has won, with a message that reads: "Italians have ended up before, immigrants."
That story is not exclusive to Italy. In the rest of Europe, that climate also works, as left-wing organisations, parties and trade unions have renounced their identity. They have fooled workers and grass-roots sectors through agreements with capital and very poor management of governments or administrations, including corruption among leaders. If not, how is it understood that the right and the ultra-right win the areas of concentration of workers and migrants?
The Spanish Parliament has recently been renewed with the presence of the Basques, and now also the municipalities, the deputies, the autonomous governments and the European Parliament. It is time to deal with the situation and to protect the most oppressed workers and social sectors, whether women or migrants. It is necessary to promote left-wing values such as justice, freedom, solidarity, equality, integration, self-determination, transparency, mobilisation against capital and corruption… This requires the effort and commitment of those who advocate a more just, free and supportive society.
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