Although the polls predicted that the coalition of the centre could lose the majority, the coalition between Social Democrats, Social Liberalists and the people has finally remained in the European Parliament with an absolute majority.
This has involved participation, 51% voted, 8.5% more than five years ago, supported by the mobilisation against the extreme right and the coincidence between the various elections in some countries.
The wave of the greens has been smaller than expected, especially successful in Germany, where the greens will face the Social Democrats. Denmark, the United Kingdom and France have also had good results. The Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance will win about 20 Members, who will lose more or less the United Left, so the European Parliament will focus on the left.
On the right, however, there has been an increase in populism and euroscepticism, although not in the size announced by the surveys. In Italy, France and the United Kingdom the Eurosceptics have won the elections, but outside those countries, in western Europe they have not met expectations. In the Eastern conflict between conservative nationalists and liberalist Social Democrats, there have been no great surprises, the forces are balanced, except in Hungary, where the Orban party has achieved an absolute majority. In this way, it will become one of the most important centres of interest of the European Parliament to occupy the position of combatants and exiles of MEPs.
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"Did you think I wouldn't be there when you woke up?" ", he told us the illustration of the panorama. Adur Larrea puts every week an image on the political landscape. Like the microerralate “When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there” by Augustus Monterroso, he also reflected... [+]
Igandeko hauteskunde europarretako behin behineko emaitzak eskuan, goiko grafikoak erakusten du nola geratuko litzatekeen parlamentua. Europako Alderdi Popularreko bloke kontserbadoreak jarraitzen du nagusi izaten, baina 221 ordezkaritik 180ra pasako da. Antzeko zerbait gertatu... [+]
Inkestek zentroko koalizioak gehiengoa galdu zezakeela aurresan bazuten ere, azkenean sozialdemokraten, liberal-demokraten eta popularren arteko koalizioak gehiengo osoari eutsi dio Europako parlamentuan.
Bi atzapar handi eta itsusi ikusten dira Europako hauteskundeetako emaitzen mapa koloredunei begiratzean. Salviniren Italia, Le Penen Frantzia. Bi atzapar luzeren falangeak, Europar Batasunaren zintzurra estutu nahi eta ezin. “Ez dute lortu”, diote onkeriaz zenbait... [+]
Iparraldeko udalerri nagusietan, Baionakoan buruan buru, Macronen inguruan osatutako koalizio zentrista (RM / Rassemblement en Marche) izan da garaile. Europa Ekologista-Berdeak bigarren indarra izan da, aldiz, Martine Le Penen FN inguruko Rassemblement National (RN) mugimendua... [+]
Andoni Ortuzarrek (EAJ) egin duen balorazioa: "Hauteskunde hauek irabazi ditugu inolako zalantzarik gabe, udal, foru eta Europako hauteskundeak. Aurreko emaitzak hobetu ditugu herri eta hiriburu guztietan. Oposizioak jarritako lehia nagusiak ere irabazi ditugu: Laudio,... [+]
Europako Legebiltzarreko hauteskundeak maiatzaren 23tik 26ra egingo dira Europar Batasuneko herrialdeetan. Erresuma Batuan eta Herbehereetan 23an egin zuten bozkaketa; Irlandako errepublikan 24an; Txekiar errepublikan 24ean eta 25ean; Eslovakia, Malta eta Letonian 25ean; Ipar... [+]
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Ciudadanos eta PP alderdiek salaketa aurkeztu zioten Madrilgo Hauteskunde Batzorde Zentralaren aurrean JxCaten hautagaitzan hiru politikari erbesteratuok egoteari, argudiatuz ez daudela errejistraturik atzerrian bizi diren espainiarren zerrendan. Puigdemont, Comin eta Ponsatik... [+]