Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Television changes the color of sports

  • Tennis balls are greenish-yellow, technically that color is called optical. But for a long time, most of the balls were white.

In 1972, the International Tennis Federation decided to change the color, as the ball did not differ well in colour television. But the change wasn't immediate. It took the tenacious organizers of the Wimbledon tournament 14 years to get commissioned by the Wimbledon Federation.

The colors of the Basque ball changed later, in the 1990s, when television broadcasts became common. Television not only called for black balls to be touched, but it also called for the color of the pediment to be changed, and since then many of the frontons that will never come out have been painted green.

You are interested in the channel: Pilota
2024-08-26 | Jon Torner Zabala
In the Basque Ball World Championship, Basque Ball Selections have no place
The fronton Labrit of Pamplona/Iruña hosts the XI Sub-22 Tournament that is being fought this Saturday in Pamplona. Basque World Ball Championship. Until August 31, more than 200 pelotaris from seven countries will take part in the Basque Ball Festival. Dozens of people have... [+]

50 pelotaris refuse to play with the selections of Spain and France
A dozen pelotaris claimed in an event held in Hendaia the selection of Euskal Herria from ball to hand. The decision was announced at an event held last Saturday in the Beltzenia fronton of Hendaia (Lapurdi).

Josu Garritz
"In the Diaspora they live today, forgetting a little the origin and history of their ancestors"
He was a famous Pelotari, world champion, but only once he played in Euskal Herria, since he was born, grew up and lived in Mexico, where his parents traveled there fleeing the 1936 war. Abertzale, President of the Mexican Basque Country, Government Advisor, Amezketarra, wife... [+]

2024-04-22 | Javier Cuadra
In verse, irradaka, of the ball game of Irun 1820

I had bought it for some time and read it above, but I have only recently been able to attend with the attention I wanted to the book Joxemari Iriondo Pilota eta Bertsoak. I have found old acquaintances and I have been raised with some of the struggles, lost and winnings that... [+]

2024-02-15 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Win and lose
Since we are young we live the competition in this society: as a child in children's games, as an adult in all areas of life (sometimes we consciously accept playing and sometimes we fall involuntarily into competitive dynamics). Perhaps that is why sportsmen and women are the... [+]

Naroa Iturain, ball judge
"There are few female judges because we're afraid of being disadvantaged."
Naroa Iturain (Pamplona, 1992) hosts the pediment. He's a pelotari and also a ball-judge. As a child, the paddle aroused expectation and, following passion, started running by hand. However, the judge became almost forced, as the measurements among women were directed by the... [+]

2023-05-11 | Estitxu Eizagirre
How is a Intervillage Championship team formed for every 250 inhabitants?
On 13 May the Larraul Azpeitia matches will be played in the Gipuzkoa Inter-Peoples Championship in manual mode. The games will start at 18:00 in the small town of Tolosaldea and will be the result of the work carried out for years in the promotion of the ball, a great festival... [+]

Debate on the official selection in the Basque ball, with the Spanish federation against
The International Federation of Basque Ball will hold an assembly, after exposing its willingness to analyse for the first time the change of status of the Basque pelotaris. The Spanish Football Federation has stated its intention to "insult" it and added that it would imply... [+]

Organized the top basket league of Euskal Herria, the competitions of Iparralde and Hegoalde are unified
The competitions of Gernika, Donibane Lohizune, Biarritz and Pau will join by creating the Jai Alai League.

2022-12-15 | Jon Torner Zabala
Binakako kluba de Ados Pilota Kluba, out of ETB programming
Club Ados Pilota has denounced that ETB will not issue any match from the Championship of Couples that will start on Saturday, so Eusko Label will not sponsor the tournament.

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