Officials and diplomats are already concerned about the influence that this military project and the name of the “European army” can have on society. German Manfred Weber, candidate of the European People’s Party and next EU President, said: “We have to have great ambitions. The non-repetition of war in Europe is a fundamental idea. Today it is unthinkable. But it would be absolutely unthinkable with a shared European army.”
Despite being fractioned, European military spending in 2018 amounted to USD 284 billion, compared to USD 18.2 billion in the Spanish State and USD 63.8 billion in France with Basque taxes, behind US spending (USD 649.000 million). Former NATO spokesman, analyst Jaime Seha, believes that “we must compete militarily if we want to defend our values”. It therefore calls for more resources to be allocated to the arms industry, just as lobbies in this sector put pressure on the EU every day. The Basques and the Europeans have a good opportunity to decide whether they want a more social or more military Europe. The political parties attending these elections should publicly discuss such a serious issue rather than conceal it.
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
In mid-January, the Cedarras Forum presented the report Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. It contains recommendations for the PPAs, taking as a reference the reports submitted by Draghi and Letta for the European Union.
Based... [+]
Hamasei migrante atxilotu zituzten otsailaren 6an Baionan, etorkinen eskubideen aldeko elkarteek salatu dutenez. Dirudienez, Baionako prokuradoreak eman zuen agindua. Operazioa autobus geltokiaren eta Pausa harrera zentroaren artean gauzatu zuen poliziak, tartean, adingabekoak... [+]
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
The... [+]