But I never saw Irun's band live, because since they've come out of their silence, the stops are not tremendous. And the opportunity was presented on April 13 in the Inwill Club room of Pamplona. I must say that all the conditions were there to live Lisabö’s hardcore from within: the warm acoustics, the proximity of musicians and the love for the music of the audience.
The sextet has begun with the Nomadic Thematic Circle, dominated by the hum of the Marshall amplifiers line and the bitter whistles of the cymbals. The audience and the group feed on each other's energy, and for half a second the whole room becomes electric. I was surprised by the little game of the two drums, because the correction imposed by the exercise does not take away any of the energy they throw away. In addition to a strong sound, the uniformity of movements has an impressive visual presence.
The two musicians who work in the voice and on the guitar have a homogeneous sound, fat as crude, master of distortion. They also bring a great presence, the legs of the microphones fell steadily under the tremor of the stage, as much as the heads around me shuddered at the words of Martxel Mariscal. It is a loyal audience for the pleasure of musicians.
Two batteries, two voices, two guitars… and two basses make up Lisabö. Borja combines a bass with a Squier VI, a six-string instrument between bass and guitar. The two lows bring numerous low frequencies to the general sound, smoothing the acuity of cymbals and voices, and waving our breast cages.
Besides presenting live many of the songs of the new album, we have been offered the opportunity to take advantage of the riff weights of older works, among others, paying tribute to the album Ezaldeak. But for me, the climate of the concert has been the intimacy of pain. The two batteries touched up, the guitars' dissonant chords left the tension hanging, until they cast it all out. Accompanied by the public, the two singers have repeated “in the mud wells of the embarrassed animals” until they achieve empty chaos.
I do not think that this first experience is the last, because on 25 May there will be an opportunity to see it at the Usopop festival. Following the performances of Lisabö and Joseba Irazoki, the albums of the ALBA and Jupiter Jon groups will be published in the coming months. Attention ...
Martxel Mariskalen testuak, ostegun honetan aurkeztu duen Azken zakatzak liburuaren aurretik, kantuen bidez egin dira ezagun.
Lasa eta Zabalaren erailketen 30. urteurrenaren harira, Kareak erre ez duena poesia emanaldia eskainiko dute hainbat sortzailek Tolosan, hilaren 11n.
Beasaingo Jazpana Fest jaialdiak egitarau oparoa prestatu du aurten ere. “Izen handiak, gorantz doazen talde gazteak eta banda mitikoak” izango dira jaialdian ostiral eta larunbatean, antolatzaileek nabarmendu dutenez.