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Call for rebellion

We will live to trample the heads of kings. Onki Xin. OKX discs, 2018

Nice melodies and varied, intense and dancing rhythms are some of the themes that can be heard on the first album by Onki Xin. Samplers, scratches and many other noises, nuances, brushes and details. And it's that, as their peers say, Onki Xin is an open window through which many kinds of wind come in and out, including the temperate winds of the South and the cold winds of the North. Touches of rock, new wave, dance, funk, hip-hop, drum and bass and other musical styles, poetry...

With all this, the rhythms, melodies and words have been created for the popular revolt in Iraq. They proclaim, denounce injustices and call for struggle. In general, the messages are correct, but there are also open messages that need to be sought. They talk about the situation of the young people of Alsasua, Marvels, Basque prisoners, refugees, and other issues, but also about the heart. In addition, some literary and cultural references can be seen in the words: Rosa Luxemburg, Charles Bukowski, Julio Cortazar, Alejandra Pizarnik, Joseba Sarrionandia, Xabier Montoia…

Singer Fer and DZ Zigor launched the Onki Xin project, with the collaboration of several partners in the recordings: Joseba Ponce, Arkaitz Miner, Ibai Ros, BEÑAT Atorrasagasti and Lizar Montagut Mendizabal. The recording was made by Peio Gorrotxategi, and the cover and design was made by Ramón Zabalegi.

Fer has worked in groups like El Corazon del Sapo, Estricalla, Kuraia, etc., playing hardcore, punk and rock themes, and Zigor DZ, besides playing in groups like Selektah Kolektiboa or Esne Beltza, plays DJ sessions, mainly hip-hop, reggae and black music. The Onki Xin project has shared the steps and experiences that have been taken in its trajectories so far, with the aim of searching for new paths and knowing other places.
They've just started the journey and they're going to give a lot to talk about. They're already giving up. For starters, they've made a big disk. Songs are listened to with pleasure. They transmit and pollute force, value and energy, with good mood and good humor.

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