We enjoyed an impressive show at the Victoria Eugenia Theatre in Donostia. It was not what we expected, but much more and much better.
When we approach a dance show, we have two options: the totally classical dance, like the works of the choreographers Petipa or Fokine, or the contemporary dance, represented by Maurice Béjart or Blanca Li. In this case, neither of them. We had a cool and understandable dance on the board. The concern of the choreographer Marco Batti has not only been the perfection of the movements, but has sought something else: to build a good and logical narrative, on the one hand, and to make the viewer feel great anguish over this story. And it has done so.
Notre dame de Paris, inspired by the well-known novel by Victor Hugo, by the Balletto di Sienna, is a contemporary ballet, of course, but thanks to the natural scène mise, it moves away from the conceptual montages, offering something affordable. The desires and personality of the characters appear clearly, the action has this naïve expressiveness of the silent films and the ballet numbers are chained without rest, achieving an atmosphere of anguish.
The energetic and disturbing music of composer Riccardo Joshua Moretti was of great importance in all this effect. Today, Maestro Moretti, professor of the Conservatory of Parma, has composed numerous soundtracks of films and in this show the cinematic character of music became evident.
On the other hand, we had extraordinary soloists. Koh Yoshitak made a moving Quasimodo. Yoshitak had a difficult choreography, but at the same time filled his role as a force and delicacy. Eleonora Satta played the role of the Emerald brilliantly. He interpreted the role of the protagonist with expressiveness and precision. But perhaps the best dancer and performer was Giuseppe Giacalone, in the role of the powerful and manipulative archideacon Frollo. Besides being a fine and perfect dancer, he gave the character an interesting perverse touch.
To all this we must add a suitable light design and a simple but effective scenography. All right, all right.
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]
WHEN: January 18th.
IN WHICH: Jimmy Jazz of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
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Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the... [+]
Beyoncé at the break of an American football game in Houston, Texas. The American singer has come to the center of the stadium in a cowboy suit that she's had access to. The hat covers the nice, the legs the boots long to the knees. The scarce white suit shows her thighs and... [+]
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.