We made a trip to Ekainberri to learn more about humans of yesteryear. Back in Zestoa we took the storms and took refuge in the pediment. Suddenly, he received us a deep, deep, hard and, above all, firm shout. Then I learned that this quiet and beautiful town, in addition to the rich scene, indicates that no one had foreseen – that is a mystery for another day – has an outdated town that hides, beneath, the wisdom and transmitted values of the ancient human beings, and there some remain safe from snakes, lies and wars of the earth.
And so I found out that the Rodeo de Zestoa group has been working since 2014 in the Californian desert to bring and multiply the essence of John García and his rest that brought out the most acute roar of the earth as it came together with nature. In 2017, they published a album that brings together stoner, rock and melodies. But seeing the hides of the skin, they have come back down to the earth to write and give birth to new songs, elaborate, sculptured, that have the concept of this ancient people.
The result is Dilmun, who has given birth with desire, with mime and from the bowels. Hegan stoner is strong and heavy, with a very worked riff and a clean, melodic voice that breaks that consistency. Instrumental that unites the Karkenish stoner with the east. A quick stoner for absorbed soils to be hooked on the metal detector. Go and reject the round song, the weight of the stoner, that gets married to the playful rock of the 1970s and that remembers in the voice Aitor Gorosabel, the most inspired. Tiamat is spatial, intriguing and dark, remembering Dut. Dilmun Dave Wyndorf could have written the materialist. Kangaroo rock rounded by the voice of Subari Shock.Escucha the most round and sensitive song, varied, multiplied by Joseba of the TDT. Marduk is an ambient passage that represents the origin and outbreak of the storm. The truene stoner that the snake allows to recognize the heavy past. A tribute to Benito Lertxundi and a generation. And finally, the expired instrumental game Hey.
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