Documentary Leaving Neverland. Two victims. For four hours, they can understand from their mouth the complex mechanisms of pederastia. Two middle-aged men, bruised and bruised. In every word the children of that time come to light. The long shadow of pederastia.
Paedophiles are beasts, yes, but they're not monsters. They're calculators. They know who the most vulnerable children are, they know how to do so to gradually gain the confidence of children and families and they are willing to spend a lot of time on this task. They are aware that the exercise of “more tender” powers has better results than violence. That's why they're kind people, because ultimately, emotional bonding is the primary means.
The other day, a pederasta being tried wanted to apologize under the excuse of addiction. It reminded me of the Serial Killers' addiction to murder. It is believed that all psychopaths are similar to those in the series. But most people have psychopathy traits. Because psychopathy is not a mental illness, but an absolute lack of empathy.
And this lack of empathy is manifested in the reasons given by some paedophiles: I have an addiction, I cannot control it, therefore, I am the victim. The real victims are not for me people, but things I've used for my satisfaction, like someone who uses cocaine or game. I, I...
On the other hand, sexual assaults do not aim at sex as such. Sex is a means to achieve more malign self-satisfaction: domination of another. Sexual enjoyment is not what is sought, but the enjoyment of dominating another person, just as serial killers enjoy the life of another person in their hands.
And if that's the goal, the reason they do it, only that they can do it. As paedophiles exercise this capacity, power will be confronted: there can be multiple and varied victims, as is the case in schools – especially in boys – or a single victim, attacked over and over again, as is the case in the domestic environment – the most common case in girls.
When this capacity has no limits and is even protected, it becomes an epidemic, as has happened in the Catholic Church. Bergoglio has just brought together the bishops to deal with pederastia. Foxes wait for the chickens.
And, leaving aside the beliefs of others, because we must all believe in something to give meaning to life, I have to make a plea, before leaving the children in the hands of a stratum that has grown up in all kinds of abuses, please remember, above the Pope, that you are your fathers and, beyond the Virgin, that you are your mothers.
According to Save the Children, 20 per cent of the population may have been abused in this corner of the world. No wonder, 85% of the cases are not reported. Just as attacks on women are a public health issue, pederastia is a public health issue. And what's even more serious, because children still don't have the means to cope. It is a health problem, not because the aggressors are sick, but because they generate a sick society from generation to generation.
These are not events of the past. At present in Euskal Herria, several children are being abused by their partners. And it doesn't matter when you read this. There are people who are getting married inside, who they should protect.
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