The storm is about to explode, we knew, it would be a lie to say something else. In 2011, I was lucky enough to go live in Greece. My fate, contrary to the tragedy that I was living in a territory considered to be the cradle of democracy, was disproportionate. I moved from country to country and, thanks to the European Economic Fund of the Erasmus programme, I received training courses at university, in a state drowned by troika cuts. As the Shock doctrine was so crude and hard, the “monster” reappeared in the most popular sectors. In this situation arose the hopeful name of the popular society: Golden dawn.
The fascist party achieved 7% of the votes, entered the Greek Parliament and occupied eighteen seats. Since then he has not abandoned the site he was occupying. Its strategy is similar to what we are seeing every day on television and live, in short, improved. That is, it emits supposed unwise occurrences that impact public opinion. It also organizes provocative actions to encourage its enemies to live the confrontation. It attacks the most sensitive and vulnerable groups in society to rebel against the majority for profits at their expense.
The situation in Greece aroused the interest of the people in the world and when I returned home I had many opportunities to participate in debates and conferences on the experience. The slogans of those ceremonies reflected on the same idea: “What can we do to face the extreme right?” So I didn't know, and today I'm not quite clear. However, at each tertulia he repeated the same idea: we have to create collective spaces that socialize our political praxis to help people who suffer the hardest consequences of this inhumane system.
The fascist party Golden Dawn won 7% of the votes and managed to enter the Greek Parliament. Since then he has not abandoned the site he was occupying. Its strategy is similar to what we're seeing every day on television and
live, well, improved.
The best collective against anti-fascism is the PAH (Mortgage Affected Platform). It's a kind of Babylon. It's a meeting place to empower people who almost lost everything, who have regained their bond with society, who have realized that support among their peers is fundamental. A meeting place to recover lost dignity beyond its skin color. Their achievements are the guarantee of this. In Sabadell and Manresa, cities with high immigration rates – spaces conducive to spreading hate speech – citizens have seen that those who sought to confront their neighbours have stumbled upon a community network against intolerance.
However, the context is conducive to the revival of fire. As a sign of this, two racist attacks occurred in Catalonia: the youth reception centres; most of the attacks have hit the Maghreb. After a long and lonely road in search of an opportunity, in Western society that has created structural racism must live the law for foreigners, and as if it were not enough, we have also called Unaccompanied Aliens Minors (MENA). Further reinforcing its stigma, which facilitates its aggression, as we have built a homogeneous subject behind its backs.
Thus, a few days later, in full media noise, a green tent with Spanish flags was installed in one of the municipalities where the events occurred. While the Mossos supported the concentrates claiming slogans against fascists, only the young people who were subjected to xenophobia remained alone. Obviously, they will never have a scholarship from the European Union to live peacefully. Let us therefore be aware that we can only be able to develop.
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