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Misguided and moralistic

The Basque Government, with Urkullu in the head, has asked the Abertzale left to recognize that it "was unfair" to her. It concerns the activity of ETA. The phrase is mantra in politics. By way of repeating, an effective “methodology” to question the “injustices” of each other. Intimidating communication as a weapon of power.

You have to go into the story “It was unfair” and do justice. The damage caused by ETA is unfair. He killed people and broke the law, the “stranger.” ETA ended its activity without a dignified exit. Yours is the way for the losers.

However, while the losers acted unjustly, it is worth remembering other “injustices”: the murders of the LAGs, the closures of Egin and Egunkaria. Bateragune case. Torture: Also by the hand of 5,000 jende.Ertzaintzaren. It's just a few samples.

Another mantra of the ETA era: “Without violence everything is possible in politics.” In other words, the Spanish Constitution is not absolute. However, the Catalan process came along and the path of the Catalan independentists is unfair. Moreover, the arguments of the State
– the mantrasons – have prevailed: “The rebels have used violence.” The state decides what is “unfair” and “what not”. The National Court has described as terrorism the altercation held by the young people of Alsasua with two civil guards in Alsasua.

It is a panacea to believe that everything that happened in the past can be explained through the story. It is politically perverse to demand from politicians heirs of those who acted “unfairly” that it “was unfair”. Because those who committed injustices under the tutelage of the Spanish State are not required to recognize “was unfair” to the same extent. The “losers”, those who have no way, have gone down the road of legislation and forced them to pay the “toll”. On the contrary, road owners have their own constitution to the extent of “toll”, as well as those who for 40 years have made the “toll” policy in the price line.

Life is a paradox and politics is even more paradoxical. ETA’s “political heirs” refused for years the political “right path” that the Jeltzales had taken, that is, the path of the Gernika Statute. Now, once the viability of the road, derived from the Spanish Constitution, has been recognised, it is not enough. Elections are coming. In 40 years, the winners have not been satisfied. It was unfair, and it is also unfair to seek to impose the morality of the winners.

2019ko apirilaren 07a
Most read
Using Matomo
Body to Sight, Tabular Wound


WHEN: 31 August.

WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.


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