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Macron powder

  • The social mobilization of these kids has spread throughout the French state, also in Iparralde, and the government's policy led by Macron is turning upside down. But there is now a risk that only the fundamental problem raised by these popular sectors will be tackled with repression.

The rebellion of these Warriors erupted in November. The protest, initially against the rise in fuel prices, soon gathered other demands: improving purchasing power, reducing taxes, resignation of Macron, changing the system... The French president described it as "great national debate" in his attempt to "reassure things". But the day after the end of the debate, on 16 March, some 10,000 yellow jackets appeared in Paris and there were “violent actions to break up shops, kiosks and shop windows.”

With the excuse of these "violent groups", Macron has responded by banning demonstrations in the most important places such as the Elysée Camp in Paris, the Pey-Berland Square in Bordeaux or the Capitol Square in Toulouse in Occitania. According to Macron, these are "criminal" acts in which the government has to be "strong". He owns the street and has chosen the path of repression to avoid the global impact of the social revolt.

Like any government president, Macron knows that the social conflict will be resolved through dialogue to resolve the demands. Taking the street, sending the mobilizations out of the main spaces and focusing the revolt on these “violent groups”, delaying the solutions, is to aggravate the situation and turn it into a powder keg. Repression is not the way.

2024-09-13 | Euskal Irratiak
Baionako zitadelako eraikuntza proiektuak arrangura piztu ditu ekologistengan

Baionako zitadelan proiektu berriak ditu armadak. Eraikin berriak egin nahi ditu eta horretarako oihanaren zati bat deseginen dute eta ura atxikitzeko bi gune ere sortu nahi dituzte.

Israeli soldiers shot Aysenur Ezgi Eygi directly at the autopsy
The Turkish-American activist was killed on 6 September in the village of Beiti, next to the town of Nablus, in Zisjornadia, Occupied Palestinian Lands. Forensic analysis suggests that Israeli soldiers shot the activist directly.

The Government of Navarra recognizes Iturbide, Jiménez and Azkona as victims of the State
The Government of Navarre has recognised that the three detainees are politically motivated and have called for a reward. With these three new recognitions, the Government has already officially recognised 36 people who have already been victims of the crisis.

Body to Sight, Tabular Wound


WHEN: 31 August.

WHERE: Plaza 23 de September.


On Saturday night, the Erandio festivities and the storm have fired the month of August. The concert of the zumaiarra band Eire is announced for 22:00 p.m. Lately the group... [+]

Those thirteen deaths at Rolando coffee in Madrid amid the division of ETAm and ETApm
This Friday is 50 years since ETA exploded a bomb at the Café Rolando in Madrid on 13 September 1974 and killed thirteen people. The organization officially recognised in 2018 the authorship of ETA, when it was on its way to its disappearance and attacks.

2024-09-13 | Gedar
Two Estella neighbors are tried for a complaint by Vox
The two members of Estella have been charged with a crime of protest against fascists in the family sphere. On Wednesday, the day of the trial, the Socialist Council of Tierra Estella concentrated on the seat of the court in Estella. The fascists of Vox personaged themselves in... [+]

2024-09-13 |
ERNAI will demonstrate on 12 October in Tafalla "against Spain and Fascism"
Ernai will mobilize on October 12 in Tafalla to denounce the role played by Columbus Day in the “normalization of Spain and Fascism”. “We are the future of Navarre, they are the past. We will make it clear to you that fascism has no place in this people.”

The exile of Ezkaba Segundo Hernández, identified in the fossa of Elía del Valle de Egüés
With Gasteiztarra, nine people have been identified who have been responsible for the flight of the day. In total, data have been obtained from 43 people since the creation of the DNA Bank of Navarra.

Stop Evictions platform dences two Donostia families are at risk of eviction
Although the conditions of economic vulnerability are met, the Banco Santander has denied both families the suspension of payments for a period of time.

Does a war end when the victor says it?
We know when a war starts, but not when it ends. This phrase has been heard on numerous occasions and seems to be a topic, but it is not without reason, if we look at the many conflicts that continue to exist today in the world. The same could be said of the civil war that the... [+]

They find in Nanclares an 87-million-year-old fossil ammonia.
A group of mountaineers has located in the vicinity of the village of Alavesa an ammon of about 60 centimetres in diameter. The Member of Culture and Sport of the Provincial Council of Álava, Ana del Val, stressed that this is "a great finding".

Locust strike in Zaballa

Since we were transferred to Euskal Herria from the prisons of the Spanish State, in the prison of Zaballa we have found many deficiencies in the field of communication. We have fewer and shorter face-to-face contacts, we have had to make visits to the speaker in poor technical... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude