The collective and individual women who have left the street have been very varied considering their origin, age, race, class, etc. In addition to the street, the diversity among those who have spoken in the capitals on behalf of the feminist movement has been evident. The feminist movement has made an effort to bring to the forefront the demands and oppression of all women and has received the voice of women with functional diversity, migrants, racialized, pensioners, students, women who work in feminized and precarious sectors and who are on strike for weeks. This year, as never before, household employees living on one of the hardest aspects of the issue of care have had voz.Se made very specific requests, authorities have
been asked to do "courageous feminist political measures". Plural women, demands as well, and a message and a light: it has been based on anti-capitalist and intersectional feminism, it has called for a social organization that renounces this social model and puts life at the center.
Display of strength. It is difficult to calculate the number of women who have left the street, the mobilizations have been very decentralized, but it should be noted that, without much risk of repatriation, it is the strongest and densest social movement in Hego Euskal Herria.
We say Hego Euskal Herria, because Ipar Euskal Herria goes differently, we can say it's slow. In Lapurdi, Zuberoa and Nafarroa Beherea on March 8, women have also left the street, but far from the collective explosion of Hego Euskal Herria that the feminist movement has organized for years.
The 8M of 2019 has been a great start in the fight for the rights of household workers in Gipuzkoa. We have, of course, exceeded what was planned, taking into account the constraints imposed on them by the work and the fact that very few domestic workers could take part in the strike.
This year, unlike last year, we have had the participation of the organization team itself. We have spearheaded the Donostia demonstration and we have taken the silhouettes of women who for obvious reasons have not been able to participate in the mobilisation. We appreciate that the media have shown interest in our subject and that is how our demands have been made. Our topic has moved to the discussion forums, that is, the precariousness of the sector, and the exclusion of this oppressed sector and olvidado.Hemos broken the silences and we have
realised the consequences of a difficult battle. We have sought the protection of women who have been betting on gender equality and rights for many years.
For me, as a migrant and antiracist feminist, this year's M8 has been very special and important. At the Vitoria-Gasteiz Feminist Movement we have carried out an anti-racist action in which migrated and racialized women have taken the floor, talked about the oppression that it causes in daily life, have been dressed and dialogued from their experiences and traditions, we have come to the anti-racist bloc manifestation together with our feminist and anti-racist colleagues here and we have said it from one voice: “Feminism will or will not be anti-racist! "Long live the feminist struggle and long live the anti-racist fight!", "Migrants and allies, the barricades! ".
Many migrated and racialized women participate for the first time in 8M and tell us that they have felt great, want to continue in this anti-racist feminist struggle! It is wonderful, in fact, that Friday is the result of the alliances that have been worked out. It is an alliance arising out of the hegemony and privilege of unique feminism; we start from active listening and understanding of oppression, analyzing from a decolonial perspective the fighting models of other women.
Feminists all over the world have to understand, as Angela Davis says, that there is not a feminism alone, but a lot; but effective feminism has to fight against racial, class and gender oppression, and it also has to be anti-capitalist and anti-colonial. From now on there will be no more than two M8 equal, because we have more and more women in the corners and we feel part of that revolution.
March 8 this year has been a historic day for feminism and for the Basque Country. Last year, women took a big step out in the street, and it wasn't a one-day blow. It is clear that this coup has lasted and consolidated. The result of a whole year of work has been uncovered.
Among the people who have seen themselves throughout the day are people of all ages, including pensioners, intelligent, ideological or humorous demands; a group that has been erased from the history that has been written over the centuries and that has become visible.
The work of years has brought with it a great achievement: the demands of feminism have gone from belonging to a group of women to the demands of a broad society. Because the feminist perspective brings together all oppressions: working-class, racial or gender. Therefore, feminism needs far more people than half the population of this planet, all of us who are left out of the stereotype that has built the capitalist, hetereopatriarchal system, to demand and obtain the rights denied.
I have only one complaint: the presence of the Basque Country has not been sufficient. What a pity! We should reinforce the slogan “Woman* and Basque, twice rebellious!”.
All year for the next M8. All of us, all actors, must continue to make true and feminist policies. Taking steps, among other things, to avoid the inequalities generated by care work and to obtain rights. Because feminism can contribute a lot to the revolution of this system.
Feminist Strike last year "Here we are!" if it served him to say it out loud, I can say this year’s cry: "And we have a lot to say!" It's been. It is not easy to make an assessment of a Feminist Strike, let alone make general reflections from personal experiences. Anyway, I'm going to throw four ideas from the eyes of someone who's been on the periphery of the organization. In summary, last year's Feminist Strikes "here we are!" if it served him to say it out loud, I can say this year’s cry: "And we have a lot to say!" It's been. The discourse has laid the foundations against heteropatriarchy, capitalism and racism and has built a feminist alternative, there is nothing else to see in the report prepared by the Feminist Movement of Euskal Herria. The radicality and plurality contained in the discourse that we live in the body of Pamplona, when the representatives of the blocks of the manifestation (functional diversity, rural, migrants, young people, pensioners, prisoners) took the floor.
But if Navarre is going to be a feminist, it will be thanks to the towns and neighborhoods. The greatest bet this year has been decentralization, and it has to be said that the level of organization of the peoples of Navarre has been enormous. From north to south, east to west, there have been no unmobilized valleys. It touched me to move social media, and it was amazing to see the pictures that every village was climbing. You are the strength of the feminist Navarre! It should be noted that, following last year’s success, this year’s strike has also had to cope with an increase in feminist laundering in political parties, the media and companies. As was said in the demonstration in Pamplona, let them be clear: feminism cannot be domesticated, you have us in front!
I can't end without mentioning the organization. My greatest admiration to those who for months have left everyday life in a corner, to try to put everyone’s lives at the center. Beyond mobilizations, the network you have taken will not break neoliberalism. Thank you very much. Brotherhood and organization!
“Are you going to strike tomorrow?” “I don’t know, they do it for us in my company...” Baiona. 8 March. 12:30. The market square is gradually filling up. Women* stayed. Many of us have not met for dinner, equating ourselves with other towns and cities in the Basque Country. We all get together next to each other, on the goal, on this big plaza -- half full of salespeople, half of strikers*. It's like we feel stronger that way. A quiet meal, mostly among friends or peers. There was not much talk among us about rape, impunity, murder, sexism, machismo, patriarchy or capitalism, as if our reasons were obvious. It was a nice day planned: food, banner workshop and manifa, at 18:30 in the afternoon.
And all of a sudden, change. From tranquility to action. Force.
The idea emerged from the conversation between some strikers. Go to remove the sexist advertising made by the Angelu supermarket, expressing our complaint. The group worked. Commissions were set up: slogans inventor team, communication group, etc. For an hour he had planned to go to her. The action was taken. The illusion lit up.
Food. Coordination. Action. Manif. That's how the day went.
The feminist movement created action. Because the feminist movement is a women's movement*, it's a day without labels, it's a day to denounce a general dependence. Turn around, unite and do what you expect. The strike takes a small step, but the demonstration continues to concentrate most of the people. We are always the ants of the Basque Country. In Lapurdi, Zuberoa and Baxe-Nafarroa there are different groups of women*, but when do we call ourselves the “Feminist Movement”?
We remain.
After a month, the feminists will take to the streets the day of working women. We have an annual appointment that we have organised and prepared enthusiastically every year. Last week we looked back at the Portugalete Assembly, remembering the feminist strikes of 2018 and... [+]
Azken urteetan mobilizaziorako gaitasunari dagokionez nabarmendu den mugimendurik bada, feminista da horietako bat. Bi urtez segidan, greba tresnatzat, martxoaren 8 arrakastatsuak burutu ditu; kapitalaren logikari bizitzarena gainjartzea exijitzeko, milaka emakumek lan orori... [+]
On February 2, 2018, the kazkaba through the streets of Donostia-San Sebastián with a loud noise. The Euskal Herria Feminist Movement calls for a feminist strike on March 8. This was a recognition of the struggle of the cigarreros of Tabakalera: dozens of women*, witnesses of... [+]
In studying economics, I've never seen the concept of strike, even though the link between them is very straightforward. The reason is obvious: economic power defines what the economy is. In the strike of women the invisibility is double, because the analysis is done with the... [+]
Ikusi dugu lehenago. Ekologismoa da adibide paradigmatikoa. Halaber, pink washing-a edo gaypitalismoa. Merkatuak gure borrokak irentsi, digeritu eta gorotz moduan produktu kapitalista bat iraizten digu, salmentarako prest, sistemari funtzionala egiten zaiona.
Hedabideek... [+]
I've experienced two feminist strikes. There have been only two, but I am already far away another 8 March, which gave us “congratulations”, which were shaped like flowers or chocolates, which invited you to remain the best home caretaker. It is not far in time, but it is in... [+]