Allegations of sexual abuse of minors by ecclesiastics and priests in various parts of the world are also increasing in the Basque Country. Some of these allegations have also been accompanied by bishops and cardinals, among other charges. At the same time, we are seeing how the Vatican has concealed and sheltered these high positions of the Church in the face of their actions. In recent weeks the complaints have focused on Catalonia, where the abbey of Montserrat has had its epicenter. In Euskal Herria, on the other hand, all views are now in the Salesian School of Deusto and in the diocese of Gipuzkoa.
By the end of February, some thirty complaints were received in Salesians Deusto and at least three priests are involved: José Miguel San Martín, known as Don Txemi, Luis Rojo, former director of the center already deceased, and a third who has not made his name known. However, the first eight complaints have been filed by a Bilbao Examining Court, which has prescribed the abuses that occurred in the 1980s. The victims have recalled that the prescription does not mean that the aggressors are innocent and have asked the Church "more firmness, more transparency and more humility".
With what we're seeing, we can see that all of this is just a small part of a terrible iceberg. This Izeberg is gradually emerging as a result of the denunciation of these victims of sexual abuse. These abuses happened decades ago. The priests or clergy were the aggressors, taking advantage of their power; and the young children were victims, defeated by this power relationship. The ecclesiastical authorities, presided over by the Vatican, concealed it.
This general situation of sexual abuse within the Church and its religious institutions has generated a great reaction among the citizens, and, among other things, the Government of Spain itself has asked the Church hierarchy to inform it of all the research it has carried out on pederastia, with a specific objective: “It is unacceptable that we are still hiding these kinds of facts, we have to give them more light.”
The priests or clergy were the aggressors, taking advantage of their power; and the young children were victims, defeated by this power relationship. The ecclesiastical authorities, chaired by the Vatican, concealed all this.
In this context, we will report more sexual abuse on the following pages: Between 1954 and 1960, minors were held at the Diocese of Derio seminary. The abuses occurred by those responsible for the training of seminarians to adolescents aged 12 and 15. In addition to the personal testimony of those who sign these lines, it also brings us collective information through an official survey that collects the abuses of a “spiritual director” of Derio. Another person responsible for the same seminar also has similar suspicions.
The Pope, against arbitrary celibacy
This scandal within the church is shameful, but it does not seem that an effective solution will be found in the future. The Church has confined itself to expressing its sorrow for these facts, has asked for forgiveness in some cases, and has almost always intended to cover up abuses so that “isolated cases” do not get dirty.
At the summit of the paedophile which Pope Francis held in Rome with 190 representatives of the Catholic Church, of abuses and of sexual morality in general it follows that he will not make substantial and structural changes so that these painful and bloody situations do not recur. The Vatican has proposed "points of reflection", but without taking concrete measures or decisions, which has caused "disappointment" in the victims who hoped for the results of this summit. Miguel Hurtado, who suffered sexual abuse in the abbey of Montserrat, considers that Francisco has not taken his proposals into account: “Put those responsible in the hands of justice, give the documents to the judges – and not destroy them as a bishop said –, lose employment to sexual abuse, pay the victims financially.”
Another proposal by experts who are familiar with sexual abuse has been optional celibacy – members of religious orders have to live compulsorily. But the Pope has already said that he is going to fight that way. Francis knows and is aware that bishops do not know what to do: “The fundamental thing is that there is a need for general programs, clear protocols that reach all the bishops’ conferences,” they say.
But it seems that it is the Pope who does not know what to do in the face of this blemish. To those who propose that one of the solutions could be the celibacy of choice, the Argentinian has replied: “A phrase from St. Paul comes to mind VI.aren, ‘I’d rather die than change the law of celibacy’. It is a courageous phrase, even more so at such a sensitive time. I think celibacy is a gift of the Church. Furthermore, I do not agree with the arbitrary celibacy, no. It's a personal thing, I'm not going to do it. I don’t feel able to stand before God with such a decision.”
Paris 1845. The Labortan economist and politician Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) wrote the satire Pétition des fabricants de chandelles (The Request of the Sailing). Fiercely opposed to protectionism, he ironistically stated that the sailing boats asked for protection against... [+]
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