And to achieve that, she overcame a thousand obstacles; or rather, she had to overcome the same obstacle over and over again: being a woman.
He studied chemistry in 1942 at the Central University of Madrid. At that time, he joined the Chair of Technical Chemistry as an assistant professor, but without salary. At that time there were no female researchers in this field and, precisely, that was the excuse they used not to give Molera the opportunity to make his thesis. This possibility opened with the change of director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry. He started working in his laboratories, but the remuneration he received was not enough to live either; during all these years he gave extraordinary classes to get a livelihood.
Finally, he earned the Ph.D. degree in 1948 with an Extraordinary Prize. Two years later, he was offered the opportunity to go to Oxford and then started working in the lab run by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The English chemist didn't welcome the aunt, who was a woman. And once again, Molera, working hard, managed to put an end to the biases. He continued to work until 1986 and died in 2011.
Molera is one of the 10 protagonists of the book Emariak, edited by Kalaka Komunikazioa and co-produced by EiTB. Ilazki Gainza and Nerea Uria have collected the contributions of women throughout the history of Euskera. In the case of choosing a woman who has distinguished herself in chemistry, most of us come to mind the name Marie Curie. In fact, they have not had time to put in the book all the women they have wanted, and they have avoided it. The readers will not find in the collection Simone de Beauvoir, Ángela Davis or Frida Kahlo, as they have prioritized giving way to more unknown women. In addition, they have occupied a large space both chronologically – since ancient times with Hypatia of Alexandria – and geographically – Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei, South African singer Miriam Makeba, Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai….
There is also room in the collection for inventors of apparently small objects that have caused great changes in everyday life: The German Melitta Benigna invented a coffee filter in 1908 and 1937 Leone W. The American Chalmers was the first to patent and market the menstrual cup. The most abundant flows are made up of small drops.
Joan den urte hondarrean atera da L'affaire Ange Soleil, le dépeceur d'Aubervilliers (Ange Soleil afera, Aubervilliers-ko puskatzailea) eleberria, Christelle Lozère-k idatzia. Lozère da artearen historiako irakasle bakarra Antilletako... [+]
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Duela aste batzuk, gurean egon ziren El Salvadorko eta Kanarietako emakumeen eskubideen aldeko hainbat aktibista. Sexu- eta ugalketa-eskubideez eta eskubide horiek urratzeak emakumeengan dituen ondorioez aritu gara; hala nola El Salvadorren berezko abortuak izanda homizidio... [+]
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Donostiako Tabakaleran, beste urte batez, hitza eta irudia elkar nahasi eta lotu dituzte Zinea eta literatura jardunaldietan. Aurten, Chantal Akerman zinegile belgikarraren obra izan dute aztergai; haren film bana hautatu eta aztertu dute Itxaro Bordak, Karmele Jaiok eta Danele... [+]
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Martxoak 8an egindako pintaketak gainetik margotu dituzte ikur faxistekin Zuberoako hiriburuan. Horren aurrean elkarretaratzera deitu dute, astelehenean.
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