We, the students of the Liceo, have the majority of us, who are older than us, to give our opinion. Our future is at stake. (...) Do you see yourself doing studies for a future that will not be yours? Everyone can participate in their measure, but if adults bring our efforts to the bottom to protect their advantages and stay inactive, our forces will be useless. Grief will also be impossible. Standing, it brings us to the end of society, we get to work now, to live tomorrow.”
This is how the young students from 15 to 17 years of the liceos of Iparralde, Bizi speak! In a statement issued by the movement, they call on all young people to participate in the Climate Strike to be held on 15 March in many cities and corners of the world. The reader will be underlined: “But if adults take our efforts to an underlying stream to protect its advantages and be standing”...
A new student protest started around young Greta Thunberg. On Friday, 20 August 2018, the 15-year-old girl left school and sat in front of the Stockholm Parliament, accompanied by the poster “Skolstrejk för climatet”. On 8 September he said that every Friday he would go on a school strike until the Swedish Government signed the climate treaty in Paris and took the decision to reduce carbon emissions.
The strike baptized by Thunberg Fridays For Future soon brought his followers together in many schools. In November, the Australian Friday strikers could be counted a thousand times. By the month of December, the waves could feel around the world: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Japan, Switzerland, Great Britain, United States...
Greta Thunberg’s words have been picked up by a famous TED and have since been heard live, as in the United Nations, in the Davos Forum, at the summit of the world elite: “My intention is not that you despair: I want you to be scared. I want you to feel the fear that I feel every day and act as if we had a fire at home, which is what we have.”
However, over the months there have been people who say that this whole stir is not so spontaneous. Andreas Henriksson, an investigative journalist in Sweden, was the first to declare that this is an operation of the company We Don’t Have Time (we don’t have time), and those suspicions have spread in the corners of Sweden. Mrs Isabelle Attard recently brought Reporterre together in the green environment under the following title: “Greta Thunberg is using green capitalism.”
In short, the start-up We Don’t Have Time (a company created from innovative business ideas) gives Thunberg the wind to organize a social network of 100 million members and press politicians as entrepreneurs to act more against climate warming. The company’s leader, Ingmar Rentzroc, is also the director of the think-tank Global Utmaning, which is committed to sustainable development, and would be related to the Davos forum magnates, who want to save the planet with more globalisation and an even more sophisticated technological solution.
“The struggle of this young man and his followers,” says Attard, is healthy and a source of hope for environmental awareness. However, we should not be naïve to the behavior of some adults around him.”
“Just because I have Asperger”
Greta Thunberg has responded to the suspicions on his Facebook page on 2 February this year. He starts to tell how he heard the idea of a school strike from the mouth of another young man and how he developed it alone, because the troubled youth in the area prefer other kinds of roads. “But no one,” Thunberg says, is behind me, I alone. My parents were also far from these concerns until I warned them.”
As the rumours, lies and constant leaving out of well established facts continue, please share this newly updated...
Posted by Greta Thunberg on Monday, February 11, 2019
Nor does it conceal this quality of its character: “There are people who laugh because I’m different. But Asperger is not a disease, it is a don.Los that do so say that, as I have the Asperger, I have not been able to enter by myself in this decision. But I did it precisely for that reason, because if I had been the most normal and the most sociable, then I would have entered a society or organized another. But since I’m not sociable, I’ve done a school strike in the center of the plaza.”
Another answer to those who criticize that the girl speaks and writes as an adult: “Do you think a 16-year-old can’t speak on his own?And then there are people who say that I oversimplify things, for example when I say “the climate crisis has a simple answer: either all black or all white”, “we have to stop greenhouse gas emissions” or “I want you to be frightened” [I want you to panic]. But I'm talking that way because it's true. The climate crisis is the most complex problem we have encountered and we will have to do everything to tackle it. But the solution is simple: we have to stop greenhouse gas emissions.”
Girl, say others, do you see everything or black or white? “Or black or white: either we limit warming to +1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial era, or we don’t limit it. That is, we either reach a breakpoint where a chain of reactions begins with events that are beyond the control of the human being, or we do not arrive. Either our civilization will last, or it will not last. As for survival, there is no room for the gray.”
One more word for those who criticize the need to frighten people: “When I say they have to be frightened, I mean we have to play with the crisis as with a crisis. If you have the house burning, you will not sit down and you will talk about how you will rebuild when the flames go out. If they have the house burning, they'll run out, they'll make sure they're all out and they'll call the fire brigade. This requires a level of panic.”
This is how Greta Thunberg speaks and thousands of young people follow him. Is it a meme that social media, pushed from behind by someone, is going to blow and forget in a short time? Ugo Bardi, who the reader knows about LARRUN, says: “Our survival is at stake and we need weapons: no war has been won throughout history using moral superiority as the only weapon. If Greta Thunberg is a memetic weapon, it's a good meme created for good purposes. So, let’s go and fight.”
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]
The understanding and interpretation of the mathematical language is what is important in the learning process, at least it is what we say to our students. The language of mathematics is universal, and in general, the margin of error for interpretation tends to be small. We... [+]
Recently, when asked what the climate emergency consisted of, a scientist gave the excellent answer: “Look, the climate emergency is this, you increasingly see on your mobile more videos related to extreme weather events, and when you realize, it’s you who are recording one... [+]
In recent weeks it has not been possible for those of us who work in architecture that the climate phenomenon of Valencia has not been translated into our work discourse. Because we need to think about and design the path of water in decks, sewers, plazas and building parks. We... [+]