Since 12 February, eleven people have been sitting in the dock of the accused by the Supreme Court. The referendum on self-determination in Catalonia, held on 1 October 2017, is being judged. The courts are merely indicators of the upper end of the general cause of independence. To these must be added: eight deportees, one activist confined to his municipality, 1,318 injured, 136 arrested, 144 closed websites, seventeen supervised teachers and three million euros in bail. These are the consequences of the state’s repression between September 2017 and January 2019.
The citizens’ mobilizations were brought before the State and with these measures it is intended to recover the
iniciativa.La truth is that the brutal response of the State has left the Catalan institutional policy totally desolate. The lack of solidarity with the parties' domes is on the increase, which is very evident among the militants in favour of independence. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the organizational capacity that has flourished in society in recent months. Proof of this are the five mass demonstrations and thousands of participants, the enormous assistance in favour of the retaliation and the hundreds of CDRs (Defense Committee of the Republic) that have stabilized in every corner of the country. Among many other initiatives, Basque political prisoners have received more than 160,000 letters of support for violence.
However, reality is stubborn and the road is getting narrower and narrower. For example, the Supreme Court has unchanged the 256 testimonies proposed by the State Attorney and the Prosecutor ' s Office, 85 per cent of which are police. In addition, two riot police officers from the Barcelona polling stations are charged: The Chief Commissioner of the Information Brigade, the executioner against Catalan social movements, known as Jordi, who in the 1990s remains unhappy with the police who coerced citizens and with allegations of torture, and the Civil Guard Colonel, Diego Pérez de los Cobos, prosecuted and exempted from torture a Basque activist.
In recent times we have heard and read many explanations from Catalans, they have revealed their sense of guilt, because they believed in the official versions that spread over the Basque conflict without rechiving
At this point, the question arises: Didn't you realize the size of the enemy you were in front of us? Primary response: “No!” We have recently heard and read many explanations from the Catalans, who have expressed their sense of guilt, not to say anything, because they believed in the official versions that spread over the Basque conflict. Summary 18/98 comes to my mind and I understand that you are angry, but, understand me, that is the best news. Better late than ever. After all, if we have made progress, it has been to understand that there is no democracy in the present framework.
The battle has only just begun and when the sentence is passed, the State will do its utmost to quell the “reactions” to the sentence, which have been working for a long time. The worst of them and the best of us are yet to come. Those who are looking a lot, those who are working on self-determination as a means of transforming society, when we reach the time we have arrived, perceive the price that they are going to pay us on the path of freedom. However, the future is in our hands.
Finally, I remember the following photo phrase that appears on the facade of the house of Jordi Cuixart, president of Òmnium Cultural: “The punishment room is small but the dream is unlimited.” It's At Versaris's No Fear song. I shall end with: “If they don’t let us dream, we don’t let them sleep.” As always, we need your help.
Larunbatean pertsona talde batek Tolosaldeako Kontseilu Sozialistako kide bati eraso egin ziola salatu dute. Azaldu dutenez, "faxistei aurre" egin zien propaganda jartzen ari zirela, eta piperbeltz espraiarekin zipriztindu zuten.
Haurdunaldian diren emazte bakartuentzat, harrera-leku bat proposatuko du La Maison des Sept Vallées elkarteak Donibane Lohizunen. Pariseko bikote jabe pribatu baten gogoan sortu zen xedea. Donibane Lohizunen, 2021ean Iturria izeneko etxea erosi eta, bazter bastizetan... [+]