Since Hugo Chavez’s arrival in power in 1999, there has been an endless war against the leftist sovereign government, with different intensities according to the existing power correlation. The problem is not the 2018 presidential election, the problem is the sovereign project of Chavism. That is why the United States and the great bourgeoisies of Venezuela have not accepted the different elections that chavism has won in Venezuela.
In 2002, the opposition and the United States tried to give a coup d’état in the region. The balance of international power was favourable, but not so the people and the army. Since then geopolitics has changed a great deal with the proliferation of leftist Governments in Latin America and the strengthening of second-class international powers. From 2002 to 2009, they were good times for the sovereigns. But as a result of the international defeats of the United States, Obama once again looked at Latin America.
The change was marked by the severe coup d ' état in Honduras (2009), followed by destabilization campaigns and soft blows against progressive countries. In 2014, the price of oil fell, among other things, by the agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia to harm geopolitical enemies. Thus, between 2014 and 2015, the hybrid war against Venezuela was revived, reviving the strategy of economic sabotage and dispersing violence through the guarimberos, while Obabama put the first economic sanctions. In this context, the opposition was imposed in the elections to the National Assembly by an absolute majority. The appointment of the three corrupt Members was made against the decision of the Supreme Court and since then Parliament has been in contempt attacking the Venezuelan state.
Puigdemont is in exile and imprisoned junkies. Luckily, China and Russia are there. If Venezuela is not yet invaded, it is thanks above all to Russia
Guarimbero's second attack took place in 2017. The violence was such that the opposition was completely divided and that influenced the negotiation between the government and the opposition. Consensus was in the advance of the presidential elections, but the opposition lacked an integrative leader to be disputed. United States They took the decision to boycott the elections and set in motion their own coup strategy without reaching an agreement with the Venezuelan opposition. Then there was an attempt to attack Maduro and, as the Associated Presse of the United States explained, Washington continued to prepare the coup d'état against Maduro.
Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Brazil, Nicaragua… The objective is the same, to make countries available to the West, although many do not want to see that of the supposed progressive positions. It takes little shame to swallow without a critical spirit the media circus we have suffered in recent years. Millions of hours and tons of paper have been published for the endless demonizations of sovereign leaders or to talk about alleged (Russian) interference abroad. Instead, when real external interference comes, when the author blatantly explains it to you, then you talk about democracy and human rights organizing a fake news festival. Meanwhile, Puigdemont is in exile and imprisoned junkies. Luckily, China and Russia are there. Professor of the UPV/EHU Luismi Uharte explained that if Venezuela has not yet been invaded, it is mainly thanks to the intervention of Russia. But rest assured, we will still hear the tears of the so-called neocon progressive talking against the more democratic management of international relations generated by multipolarity, because in the heart they have tattooed Western supremacism.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
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