How can we interpret the particular phenomenon of these Jackets, which are found by some exponents of right-wing populism and others of a new left-wing rebellion? Here are two testimonies. The journalist, filmmaker (Merci Patron) and left-wing parliamentarian François Ruffin will report on a Saturday in November what the Yellow Jakas have told him, blocking several roundabouts in his region (Pikardia): “My yellow Saturday.” Environmental and alterglobalist militant Patrick Farbiaz has written in the Reporterre space “Jaka Horiak are the first mass ecological social movement”, which these days Jaka Amarillo publishes, documents and texts.
Herria eliteen aurka. Edo beharbada errealitate konplexuagoa, historiaren barrunbeetan sartzen zarenean. Horrela islatzen dute Éric Vuillarden liburuek. 2017an Frantziako letren saririk handiena, Goncourt saria jaso zuen L’Ordre du jour liburuarengatik.
The movement of the Yellow Vests, as soon as it was lifted, was condemned to shut down. There it goes. It seemed that I would get nothing. Because he rebelled against a simple tribute? Or because it didn't pose a serious redistribution of rewards and riches? Now the discourse is... [+]