The AOA season continues. After the first two famous titles, La Bohème de Puccini and Fidelio de Beethoven, we had the opportunity to see an opera that is not scheduled so many times: I Lombardi alla prima crociata de Verdi. Here's a very inspired piece of work. Verdi, after the tremendous success of Nabucco, was launched into the jellyfish of the historical plot, which placed this drama in the first crusade between the 11th and 13th centuries. In this production, as stated by the stage director of the renovation, Gracia Pulvirenti, the past and the present merge. The pain of the past, the pain of battle, is there today. The message of Verdi, peace and fraternity, in Europe and throughout the world, we must continue to listen. As we have said, we hear a profound and melodious work. However, in the artistic aspect it did not appear particularly bright. The most serious moments were passed by the tenor José Bros. on Oronto's role. Prior to the performance they announced that they had a sore throat, so the performance would not be entirely conclusive. Unfortunately, however, it offered a regrettable interpretation. It's better to look for another singer than to sing in those conditions. The mia letizia, the beautiful aria infondere, for example, was destroyed.
Roberto Tagliavini, in Pagano's role, made an authentic interpretation, despite being sick with the flu. He was not overnoticed, and he lengthened his deep voice. Tenor Sergio Escobar made a convincing Arvino and Jessica Stavrose, on Viclinda's role, cast his voice well. However, he lacked expressiveness.
Yes, we heard Giselda, a beautiful and effective one. Russian soprano Ekaterina Metlova played the leading role enthusiastically and with a strong voice and impeccable timbre. We got the wonderful Salve Maria of the first act. He had undoubtedly become the queen of representation.
They offered an appropriate staging, although they presented different passages in a confusing way. In fact, it was sometimes difficult to follow the argument.
The Symphony Orchestra of the Basque Country and the Opera Choir of Bilbao, with Riccardo Frizza, on the dot.
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