You've chosen the Dry Martin cocktail party for the interview. Why?
Because a lot of people have never entered a cocktail party. You lose an amazing experience! I love cocktails because of slowness and elegance, and because they have servers that adapt as best as possible to what the customer wants. Well, I've always looked at this place as a place of leisure.
Some people think that men predominate in the cocktails in Barcelona.
And that's right. In the United States the situation is different, but here I have seldom found women in cocktails, and if there are, they come with my partner. Moreover, men continue to call for a service to a woman who is alone, because they believe that she can exercise prostitution and does not look good to her. It is true that in recent years the situation has changed a little, but it is still a leisure linked to men.
To what extent is this a consequence of the patriarchal structure?
I don't know. Until recently, in restaurants it was also common to give a wine letter to man. I would say that in this case the trend has changed further, but in the cocktails I have seen little change in that direction.
Where does your passion for drinking come from?
Who knows if, by chance, when I was young, I read works by writers where alcohol was very important in their lives or in their work, like Bukowski or Dorothy Parker. In addition, when I was a minor I read the La Cua de Palla collection, and before I was old to drink I had already read in those books the address of the Gimlet pension in Barcelona, had it closed in memory. It seemed like a mythical world to me.
Are you a feminist but you make a lot of criticism of the movement?
I have a problem: I want to live in a country where you can make jokes about each other's weaknesses. I am Catalan and I want to make jokes about the Catalans, but today I cannot, because we have politicians imprisoned and exiled. I want the animals and I want to make jokes about the animalists, but I cannot, because a few weeks ago a police officer from Barcelona killed the dog Sota in the street. I want to make jokes about feminists, but if VOX wants to change the Violence Act, I can't.
One claim of feminism is to extol the work of women in literature and in culture, you have doubts.
Literature has a lot of women. What is more, women read more than men. What happens, there's a shortage of female writers? I don't think so. I think we will not advance for equality because there are so many female writers as men: when I read a book I don't care if the author is a man or a woman. I just want well-written stories.
On the other hand, the criteria of literary criticism are different if the writer is a man or a woman…
Yes, that is where you are right. That has to be changed. But I have the feeling, on the other hand, that this claim has less support than the debate on quotas. I think this is where the strength of feminism is needed.
Let us return to the present day: political prisoners, exiles, and a roadmap that could not be carried out. How do you experience the situation?
I'm hurt by the bowels. I recently concluded that I have too much empathy. I get goosebumps when I walk down the street and kiss two people. I cry when I hear music or, why not, when I drink a good wine. I'm probably not emotionally mature. But I'm a mother, and when I think prisoners are far away from their children, I can't bear it.
Are you or have you become independence since birth?
I've always been an independentist, but instead of going to the demonstrations, I stayed on the couch. It also occurred to me with feminism. However, everything has gone too far and not, if this price is to be paid, I do not want independence.
In 2016, TV3’s video on the reform of the Spanish Constitution extended to the four winds.
The Spanish Supreme Court annulled the Decree of Energy Poverty and when I arrived on television it was clear that I had to do something about it. Therefore, as the families that were left without resources would have to burn some book to warm the house, I proposed that all the Spaniards had the Spanish Constitution that we have the right to a decent housing. No other individual.
VOX filed a complaint against you.
Yes, and it continues to do so, despite repeated judicial annulment. They are exceptional.
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