Calls for freedom and calls for respect fill television hours and newspaper pages, with the assurance that readers will not go beyond the wording. Who doesn't want to be free? All people, children and women, we would like to be free.
(Neo) it is known that the freedom of liberalism is limited to the movement of capital and goods. The lambs we have eaten at Christmas have been brought from Morocco or anywhere else and, by killing them in the state, they have been recognised as being of Spanish origin, while people die at sea.
Liberalism has since its origins enacted that everyone should do whatever they want, as if we had the same opportunities to choose everyone, as if we were not imprisoned in the contingencies and conditions of each.
Some are buyers; most of us, rather than sellers, are goods, because we have to sell our workforce, our intelligence or our bodies. Nobody is because they want to enter a slut and no one is willing to hold ten hours a day in a switchboard. There is no greater fallacy than I do for myself, neither this is new nor the thinking of the extreme left; Rousseau expressed it in his Social Contract in the 18th century.
They say it's the time of individual freedoms, because the individual is the alpha and the omega of everything. And, captive in the claws of liberalism, it seems that the left has forgotten to be libertarian. The strata of social control and discipline are not the subject of debate, but are presented as natural and acceptable, as capitalism is inherent to the economy. The family, the school, the army, the repressive force, the churches... form the slaughter of a series of powers of heterogeneous characteristics but with a homogeneous objective.
And because neoliberalism is also conservative, we have rushed towards conservatism. Embarrassed by marriage, a few years ago it was given as an excuse that the parents wanted it, but now “let everyone do whatever they want”, with rings, hand requests, cures and paraphernalia.
We ask the school to teach us more and more because teaching at home is laborious, but it doesn't seem too important that the ultimate goal of the school is to prepare children for the chains of the future.
Sex and bodies are demonised, “Don’t look like a teat on the screen!” as if we all didn’t have a nipple in our mouth. Meanwhile, women and girls are becoming more and more sexualized (for the enjoyment of men, of course, not because we own our own sexuality). From the libertarian point of view it is clear that for the true freedom of people, it is necessary to liberate and normalize sex, desires and bodies. As from a feminist point of view, feminism is a movement for the liberation of women (and men).
Let each do whatever he wants with his money, even if he buys a chalet, although that will serve him to get away from the village, although from then on it will be a personal interest to maintain that standard of living and not lose that beautiful property.
Because everything personal is also political, everything we do and think from the moment we get up to bed, we can do it and we do it from a liberal, conservative or liberator-liberating point of view. Among the plans for the new year, more profitable than going to the gym is that, in addition to the political-economic power, we realized the need to combat the network of powers that affects all social and cultural processes and begin to liberate it from the liberal conception of freedom.
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