As Koldo Izagirre said in the book Autopsiarako probak, “Euskera provides proof and awareness of being a people.” Euskal Herria from seven territories is the land of ARGIA, and the social function of this project is to inform and connect with the readings common to the whole geography of the Basque Country and to the diaspora.
Since the first issue of Zeruko Argia was published in Pamplona in 1919, these pages have been reported as the dark times of Euskal Herria, the hopeful achievements of citizenship. The file, composed of over 80,000 items and over 40,000 photographs, is celebrated next year by digitizing it and putting it on Basque Day For all of us to have the historical memory of our people more affordable. Since ARGIA is a popular project, this heritage, as it could not otherwise be, will be disseminated so that it can be used by anyone with free licenses.
ARGIA knows where he's doing journalism. It is becoming increasingly clear that the capitalist system turns its back on most people, we see that we have a serious crisis of civilisation on top. When you come home, in the name of pragmatism, sometimes, in the name of zubigintza, the right is gaining ground on the left. In these times when the borders of the institutions have become more evident than ever, it is essential to pay more attention to the agents than ever since they were small, from the local level, from the day-to-day commitments.
Fleeing from false objectivity, for a free Basque Country that is not based on repression, for honesty, we try to offer quality information. Running away from prefabricated news in communication cabinets; outside the control of banks, multinationals or parties; making critical information is our obligation. From generation to generation, we deserve an independent means of communication, meeting point of thousands of people, to publish analyses outside the relations of forces of the moment and information that exclude them from the official media agenda. We make decisions based on the information we have. Without independent journalism, there is no democracy.
What you have in your hands is a journal that has reached more houses than ever in the history of light, thanks to the special effort we have made in this issue. We have sent you a copy to thousands of people, some older and others younger, because you have once helped this project with the subscription. Whether for a while or for a lifetime, ARGIA has come to the century thanks to the contributions of all.
By risking their personal property, thanks to those who got this project from the Capuchin hands for the workers, we are aware that working in Argia is today to own ourselves. Organize ourselves as we decide. To write what we consider appropriate, to follow the topics we live with passion, in short, to make known to the Basque community what happens in the world from our own perspective.
However, we know that survival is not guaranteed. Proof of this is the long list of bans of these hundred years, compared with censorship, torture, fines and many other media, their weak institutional support. We know that the first goal we have to achieve once we enter the workplace every day is to stay an extra year. So we also invented other projects outside journalism, with wonderful fellow travellers. We experience the joy of working together.
If you want to be part of the community of this independent media, to help strengthen this team and enjoy independent journalism, needless to say, you have the doors open. We have in place a unique subscription model in the world, which, in addition to claiming the right to inform all citizens, we create to make it possible. So that the economic situation is not an obstacle to anyone. In these times when everything is on sale, so that information does not become a privilege. That is why you can make the financial contribution that you think is appropriate in favor of the Light and in return you will receive whatever you want: weekly, every two weeks, every month, follow on the internet and do not take it on paper... With solidarity as the axis, the community stands here. In this sense, it is a fuel to continue working with enthusiasm to see and feel how hundreds of new colleagues and colleagues are joining in recent years. When and in the midst of the paper crisis, when the credibility of many media outlets is at stake. We want to use the centenary to strengthen this project. To reach more people. To keep affecting.
Any project is not 100 years old and one of them is ARGIA. It is a sign that independent journalism is needed in Basque. For those of us who want to see the world dancing, there's a reason to celebrate it.
Alemaniako Poliziak asteleheneko gertakariaren arrazoiak "politikoak" zirela baztertu duen arren, 35 urteko Alexander Scheuermann Ring Bund talde neonaziko kide zen. Bi hildako eta hamar zauritu utzi dituen atentatuaren egileak sare sozialetan "gorroto mezuak"... [+]
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Urtea baino gehiago da Olatz Simonek –EITBko berriemailea Parisen, garaian–, orrialde hauetan bertan ohartarazi zigunetik Bruselak kazetariari lanbideaz erakusten dionaz. Eta halaxe joan gatzaizkio galdezka Amaia Portugali. Bruselan gure irrati publikoak duen... [+]
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Joan den asteartean La Vanguardia-n argitaratutako artikuluan egin zuen proposamena Txema Montero abokatu bizkaitarrak. 30 urtez Deia egunkariko kolaboratzailea izan da eta lehenik hara bidali zuen bere artikulua, baina egunkariak ez zion argitaratu.
Hemendik aurrera egunkarian soilik "norbanakoen askatasuna eta merkatu librea" sustatzen dituzten iritziak jasoko direla adierazi du enpresaburuak. Iritzi artikuluen zuzendariak hedabidea utzi duela ere argitaratu du.
Egitarau mardula prestatu dute Bergarako irrati libreko kideek: musika, literatura eta tailerrak. Besteren artean, martxoaren 29an Txapa Eguna egingo dute.
Karlos Zurutuza (Donostia, 1971), kazetari ezaguna da ARGIAko irakurlearentzat, elkarrizketa eta erreportaje ugari egin baititu aldizkari honetan. Atzerriko gatazka guneetako bizipenak ekarri ohi ditu berarekin: Kurdistan, Balutxistan, Iran... hamaika leku landu ditu, batez ere... [+]
Diario de Noticias de Álava (DNA) egunkariko langileak sinadura greban daude, eta aspaldi ari dira beren lan baldintza “miserableak” eta horiek kazetaritzaren kalitatean duen eragina salatzen. 2013tik soldatak izoztuta dituzte, eta ordutik erosahalmenaren %30... [+]
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