In Andalusia, those who voted Vox are not four, they are four hundred thousand. It's not four cats, and it wasn't before. The extreme right is not the new invention in Spain. Many of them are mummified cats, if there is anything, which, despite the passage of the years, have firmly maintained their fossilized positions.
The People's Party has so far been the hiding place. He has given them shelter, but always camouflaged: inside, with great power; publicly, in the background. In recent decades, part of the ideology of achieving the democratic label has been shown to be sweetened and the great lie of the Transition has been hidden. Bill for the direct passage of the Franco authorities to the head of the party and the state apparatus.
It is true that the rise of the extreme right is increasingly global, it is not possible to simplify reality so much by saying that it is the eternal Francoist. Some of those who have supported Vox, as in other places (other European countries, the United States, Brazil…), come from the delegitimisation of politics and politicians and the total sterilization of institutions to manage the problems of society. This leaves a plain path to populist voices proposing “simple” solutions through the most reactionary values. In the case of Spain, however, I would say that from the years of the dictatorship (and even before) to today, the identity construction that has come vividly has more weight.
The fault that fascism wakes up is that of the Catalans, he added. Or was I a feminist? Both have been read or heard, and in one or the other they are statements that respond to the same shameful mechanism. A legitimate struggle for a fairer society awakens fascism
So why has it come to light now and not before? For different reasons, but ultimately, because they have now seen the opportunity to defend their protofascist ideas without any complexes. On the one hand, let us not forget, the ideology represented by Vox has had its own television channels, even before the Santiago Abascal party existed. In addition, with the account they have created in the management of the Catalan issue, the only coherent proposal is the authoritarian extreme right. That is what is in the subsoil of the Constitution and the law, you do not have to scratch too much to know. Nor does the Left have the courage to propose a model of Spanish nationalism that frees them from colonialist genealogy. In this scenario and under the excuse of the success of the extreme European right, the main media have projected Vox without any institutional representation. Votes can be counted in TV minutes.
For that reason, he added, the fault that fascism wakes up is the fault of the Catalans. Or was I a feminist? Both have been read or heard, and in one or the other they are statements that respond to the same shameful mechanism. If a legitimate struggle to achieve a fairer society is strengthened, that awakens fascism. No, excuse me: fascism is there, and if it doesn't get up, it's because it's comfortable, even if it's asleep. The weight of the boot that tramples on you is more noticeable if you push it up, as on the contrary you will notice a descending force. When you're still you won't notice it so much, but that doesn't make it disappear, you'll keep stepping the same way.
I do not think he will visit us, but it is very likely that the results of Vox will be extended from Andalusia to other areas of the state. If all this serves for something, it is to show the true face of Spain. I don’t like thinking “the worse, the better”, I won’t roll in that group. Because that cruel and authoritarian face brings us so much suffering. The worse it is, but the clearer it is, the better.
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