Its original name is Gilets jaunes. It is a phenomenon and a new socio-political expression. We Basques have named Jackets or Yellow Vests. It has shaken the French State and the values of the Republic. For five or six weeks, a yellow tide has covered the red and white color of the Hexagon.
We've differentiated ideologies into colors since ancient times. The monarchy, colorless, has been separated by the blue of its blood. The characteristic color of the right is blue. Red is the color on the left. Black was the most anarchist. Green, from ecologists. The advancement of science and the development of technology have painted the colors as well as the colors of ideologies.
The solid color of the ideologies of the past has been melted and turned into liquid. No ideological norm can dignify a single colour. The color of the feminist movement is purple, perhaps the exception. In general, the white color is the one that best characterizes the ideology of the right and left classics. The present ideologies, all appearances, are white, that is, hypocrites.
In the ideologies of our new history, yellow color has not been very differentiated from white. Let us remember the yellow unions of the past, dependent on employers. Yellow unions in Spain, in France, syndicats. For the paradox: D. Syndicalisme was born in France at the end of the 18th century.
The Jaka Horiak movement is special, as it is peculiar, a new expression of society. Without being rebellious, almost all of us have ever put on the yellow jacket, that is, we have been forced to bring the laws because of the circumstances of the road.
The phenomenon is certainly curious. In theory, powerful companies control today’s individuals – special mass societies – through social networks, and paradoxically, social networks have also made the current revolt possible.
The French State, with Macron in the lead, does not want to take the movement into account, as the Yellow Jackets are not controlled by any party or any union. The movement is not moving within the rules of today’s democracy. Moreover, the rebels have shown that, in some way, the only language the State “considers” is the language of violence, and, again, the rebels. Unfortunately, history repeats itself. However, it is not always repeated in the same way. Today, nobody knows about the evolution of the new world.
The Council of Euskalgintza is warning of the linguistic emergency we have been experiencing in recent weeks. Several years have passed since the beginning of describing the situation of the process of revitalization of the Basque country at the crossing, at the roundabout, at... [+]
Lau egunez idekia izanen den merkatu bat antolatzen du Plazara kooperatibak euskararen aldeko beste hamar bat eragilerekin –horien artean ARGIA–.