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Celes Álvarez dies

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The day of San Saturnino, a bitter news: “Celes Álvarez, mother of Naparra, has died.”

On 4 April 2017, after a two-year process, the French authorities decided to dig between the localities of Brocas and Labrit, in view of the suspicion that there could be the body of José Miguel Etxeberria Naparra. Celes Álvarez was then 88 years old and, despite the breakdowns of that age, he remained steadfast and dignified in the quest to repatriate the remains of his son's body, who had been making that effort for 38 years.

The family and the family’s lawyers and advisors knew the place since the end of 2015, thanks to the testimony of a confidant residing in South America. Two years after receiving the news, the French authorities carried out all the investigations necessary to take this step and subsequently set a date for excavation.

In the opinion of the family and the advisors, there were two places that corresponded to the data provided by the confessor. However, the French authorities, on the pretext of aerial photographs of the year 80, discarded one of these places. Therefore, at the point indicated by the French, in one point, it was perforated: nothing appeared.

We had to wait several months to take the next step. In fact, the family waited for the report of the French authorities, which they have roundly denied. It took eight to nine months until the famous report arrived.

In the light of the report, the lawyers noted with surprise that there were no aerial photos, nor in the second place anything that justified the lack of excavation. They therefore again asked the Spanish judge to plead with France to reopen the process and to excavate the second point.

Between six and seven months have elapsed since the second request for an order. The Gendarmes and the French judges know very well what the question is: they know who the land is to be excavated, what it is about and what changes of property have occurred in the last fifty years, what characteristics the land has… They know everything that needs to be known, for a long time, but…

Celes turned 89, his state of health was becoming more and more delicate. “In the end I leave without bringing my son home,” he said.

Celes Álvarez died fourteen days ago. None of the machine parts of what's called justice will feel the least remorse in consciousness. “They will drink the best wine in Gomez (Dupont)…”. The children of the deceased Celes, as well as their relatives and relatives, have been beaten and stabbed by the victim.

The victims have been reproduced amid the indifference of all the hypocripules.

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