The time when lambs are born is usually a little later, but here and there I have already seen one or the other. When Axuria is born, the mother sheep washes her shoulder licking her body; she is said to love her. The offspring come of all kinds, the mothers are of all kinds, and sometimes the mother does not love the offspring.
One of the most beautiful insults a friend of ours uses is “the fake grass that the mother has not licked.” To start with, you're a pseudo, not a raised breed like the sheep of Latxa or Carranzana, or the black snout, let alone the pseudopel. Then the one who gave birth to you when you were born and when you were little has not licked you.
How many such situations have happened in agriculture and livestock throughout our history. Whatever the race of the mother, she is a mother, she is only for the little one: the mother. And the mother gets the jobs until she gives birth, and then -- she turns her back. Supposedly maternal technicians, presumed walkers, “administrations” and wise men of all kinds have designed and driven proposals and projects of all kinds in the different fields and fields of agriculture, that is, daughters. Of all dimensions and dimensions, with the excuse of subsidies and the protection of shelters of all folds, in most cases being aware of the lies of the project and of the unreservedly servitude. Many people have knowingly gotten fat about the frustration that comes with agricultural projects. They've stimulated the donation of the culata. A pseudopaw without mom. Sheep are the fault and lambs pay it, says the saying.
If in general this picture is common in the agriculture that shapes our landscape, what to say about the sector of the pine industry that lately is working indoors in vol-bol and in the external pul-class? Many sheep have been totalized and improved with the evolution of the pine industry. When land owners and forest rangers have realised the situation it is too late, too late. And that is that the situation has vanished until the music of frustration has become too loud. The day after, the snow peaked through the inside of the cinderella vein.
The panorama left by the pine industry, which has left it by the time it is already, is not in a position to leave it in the hands of a mother who is not willing to wash her daughter. Sheep defects pay lambs.
Basotik fundazioa aurkeztu du duela gutxi Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak, lurralde horretako baso pribatuen kudeaketa “aurreratua” egiteko asmoarekin. Baina Gipuzkoako lurrak industria-forestalistaren kolonia edo fabrika handi bihurtu nahi badira, horrek izen bat dauka:... [+]
We are eating at home the last apples we have received since last year, the Malus domestica. The ones that are in shape are cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. The ash, the Fraxinus excelsior, is there, still, safe, waiting longer days to blossom.
In front of our door... [+]
On the hill that dominates our house, the farmhouse Aitzondo has ample forests. In the trees a plantation stands out, especially now in autumn. When a tortuous storm is reached by the sea and the hill descends, the ends of these cutting trees appear among the rubble. The tulip... [+]
The fungi that have attacked the insignis pine have turned the forestry of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa upside down. Total forestry, which has changed without major ups and downs in almost a century, has been called into question by some worm mushrooms. More than Xixtrin, we will have... [+]
In the participatory budgets of 2017 a citizen proposed to create an edible forest in the natural area next to the canal of Sarriguren (Navarra). At that time it was not the most voted project and the proposal was therefore rejected. However, the idea of creating an edible... [+]
Saran martxoaren 1etik 3ra burutzen ari dira Zuhaitz mugarroen 2 biltzarra. Elikagaien ekoizpenean soroetan zuhaitzak integratzearen abantailak lantzen dituen agroforesterian gero eta interes handiagoa pizten dute egurretarako bezala aziendak elikatzeko lepatu edo mugarrotutako... [+]