He fought the Nazis, the colonels then banned his poetry, he was arrested inside the house, and yet his combat songs are as natural as his breath, quiet: “Who will stay here to remind us/ when we hear the key in the lock and the long chain/ dragging towards the infinite white, where, on one side,/ still moistens the last straw we have thrown.”
In Greece everything goes to the burden of tradition. Their poets have had a great ability to turn back into classic what the classics had already written before. The Sikelians and Kazantzakis, the white fabrics of the boats of Elitis in the blue sea, the quiet fire of Seferis… To the Books of Poetry of the World Joannes Jauregi now brings us the selection of the great Yannis Ritsos (Monembasia, Peloponnese, 1909 – Athens, 1990). Well drawn, well chosen: “I came to the hill, I stopped, I looked around and screamed./ Down, the stones fell on the stones.”
Over the Aegean Sea, on the plane you see an island of Miriada. The smaller ones also represent the whole. And the biggest are the timelines, but also the greens. Ritsos himself tends to recapitulate and write judgments. Sometimes, however, “an irresistible black desktop, two silver chandeliers,/ your red pipe. He sits on the chair, almost invisible…” begins to say and is able to write twelve poems for Kavafis. It could be said that Ritsos is telling us the Iliada and that his voice is equally lyrical and light.
Perhaps because the unreality it suggests is true, it can bring pictures of ancient Greece today or today with the rhetoric of the dress myth: “Only your lira and your head came to Lesbos by the force of the current. Why, then, your song?/ Is it possible that light and darkness have ever been associated (and then also apparently)?/ Or why did the Musas hang your Lira among the stars?/ Under this constellation, this summer, we live thoughtful.”
The present and the first, both are the classic poetry of Ritsos: let’s go through this anthology where epic stories and lactone poems cross. We have been condensed for centuries and seconds.
Ihes plana
Agustín Ferrer Casas
Itzulpena: Miel A. Elustondo
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Book Non sense
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