I saw it in a mood session that is said to be on the left. What was surprising was the method: with two topics and four simplicity, it proved that Catalonia has been, is and should be Spain. However, more interesting than I was saying is what he embodied: a universal, civilised citizen, precisely to the very extent that he has given up being Catalan and has decided or accepted to be Spanish.
Like the history of Catalonia, Borrell continues to explain the history of the United States using the same method: two topics and four generalities
In any case, not satisfied with all the explanations he gave, he even said that Catalonia had to be disinfected and that he would then become minister of a leftist government that intended to solve the Catalan problem.
In the United States they do not need disinfectants because it is the only job – always according to Josep Borrell- they have done in their short history: to kill four Indians. There could have been three: with this issue we want to express that it was an easy task and the life of the Indians was not important. Like the history of Catalonia, Borrell has explained the history of the EE.UU. with the same method: two topics and four generalities. The most surprising thing is that he has not received abroad the applause he usually has at home. In fact, many journalists have highlighted the frivolity and ignorance of Borrell, who has been arrested by the police. They don't understand Spain. Four dead Indians, four imprisoned Catalan politicians: universality is not sweet work. Everyone here knows that. So do ministers and leftist journalists.
Tafallan, nekazal giroko etxe batean sortu zen 1951. urtean. “Neolitikoan bezala bizi ginen, animaliez eta soroez inguratuta”. Nerabe zelarik, 'Luzuriaga’ lantegian hasi zen lanean. Bertan, hogei urtez aritu zen. Lantegian ekintzaile sindikala izan zen;... [+]
Alarma jo du, beste urte batez, OIP Presondegien Nazioarteko Behatokiak. Abenduaren lehenean marka berri bat hautsi zen frantses estatuan, 80.792 pertsona atxiloturekin. Espetxe-administrazioaren aitzinikuspenen arabera, gainera, 86.000 baino gehiago izan litezke 2027an egungo... [+]
These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.
Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]
Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea... [+]