It's Sunday. You head to gaztetxe for the first time with your father. Don Inorrez has arrived to the town, to present the album Mugiro bila that they took out in spring. So you've slowed down the passage, you've spent your time looking at the movie billboard, you've said something about the trees that are undressing and, leaving the distance, you've followed them again.
The bells touch the hour when you walk in; there are people on the corners of the bar, but not too much. They have separated and each one has searched their own circle to enjoy the concert. The room has been slowly filling up, until the group has risen to the stage that is a little higher than the audience. Without saying a word, the first song comes. Good nights, anyway, good days, from the center of the stage, Imanol Ubeda. And that's the best thing, which is midday, and in part, because of that, there's a nice mix in the audience; you see Dad with his friends, the young parents with their children on the shoulder, the younger ones behind the bar.
And among them a colorful pop. Maybe not too original, but very well executed, just like a member who is a musical critic far more refined than you will define later. And he's right, they've played the songs without fail, they've thanked you, they've talked four times in a while, they've touched the next one, they've thanked you, everything live. The closeness that gives a small space and a very good sound have played in favor of music, and from the soft passages to the hardest ones, musicians have jumped. I really liked the battery, the thin ears. At many times people's noise, that's the worst. In addition to the ten songs on the album, a work that lasts more than half an hour, the performance will be completed with other numbers: Today it has rained, the hit of the group of the 1990s dedicated to Aritz Mendieta, then singer, also in public; and a version of Ruper Ordorika, of the theme Banjakin, among others.
The invitation of Christ was the entry of the song: Ubeda has commented that it is a source of joy to see so many people in front of you during the Church Mass, and it has occurred to you that there is no bad pint of Mass the environment, that you would return every Sunday a believer in the pop, or that which touches you.
But today, Garai's sticky aftermarket replica is over, and gaztetxe has emptied fast, it's Sunday, but we seem to have something to do, where to go now. Ubeda himself has stood by the door selling records and has noticed some movement. You already had it, but the person who went to buy the album also brings something else: A story by Iban Zaldua. The narrator writes in the story a critique of Mr. Nobody's Looking To Mess About album and agrees with it: although it is difficult to determine what pop is, it is related to immediacy and closeness. “With youth and with the attempt to eternally prolong youth.”
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
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IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]
WHEN: January 18th.
IN WHICH: Jimmy Jazz of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I have a question in my mind lately: how much do things change in 30 years? Yes, reader, you guessed it: I’ve just turned three decades old. It will be a... [+]
Chulería, fuck!
WHEN: 5 January.
WHERE: At the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao.
As I filled the room, looking down behind the railing above the theater, I've been playing to see if I find someone younger than me before the... [+]
Beyoncé at the break of an American football game in Houston, Texas. The American singer has come to the center of the stadium in a cowboy suit that she's had access to. The hat covers the nice, the legs the boots long to the knees. The scarce white suit shows her thighs and... [+]
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
Every year Bilbao will be on the 21st of December. The cider and talo, protagonists of the day, is the day of the fair of St. Thomas. This year,... [+]
Hatortxu Rock jaialdiko 29. edizioa egingo da larunbatean Atarrabian. Sarrerak jada agortuta daude, baina txandak osatzeko laguntza behar da oraindik.