It was the Royal Night of 2012, a cold night, but the protagonist of this story did not receive any gifts. Idrissa Diallo, twenty-one, met the victim at the Barnetegi Foreigners of Barcelona (CIE). He was in custody of the Spanish National Police, who arrested him. Although social groups and support organizations had called for clarification of what had happened, death has never been clarified.
The news caused great indignation among the crowd, which paved the way for the creation of the Tanquem els CIE platform. Since then, this platform has been a tireless fight against the controls and devices that have been established to stop migrants at the borders of the Spanish State.
In the months following Idrissa's death, the court in charge of the event annulled the procedure, without deepening the investigation or opening proceedings to those responsible. However, they did not manage to forget Idrissa, nor did they remove the desire to claim that Europe is one of the most unjust people who kills on a daily basis.
In late 2014, the audiovisual cooperative Metromuster, which at that time caused a great political and media storm through the documentary Ciutat Morta, started a new cinematographic project together with Tanquem els CIE and La Foundry. Four years later, Idrissa is premiered, chronicle of any death.
After six months at the Instituto Médico Legal de Cataluña, the body of Idrissa was buried in a niche of the cemetery of Montjuïc (Barcelona), that is, it was granted a kind of charity burial. The Spanish authorities did not provide any information to their families and avoided the obligations of the law that forced them to leave the country.
The team in charge of filming the documentary, stimulated by a huge research effort, travelled to the border town of Tindila in Mali, where he met with the Diallo family and informed him of what happened. Afterwards, we found a niche without a name and began to complete the procedures to repatriate the remains of Idrissa, in short, to settle in the soil where he was born. After raising EUR 10,000 to finance the costs – through crowdfunding – we made a collective gesture of reparation or reparation. Finally, his community was able to bury Idrissa, six years after his death.
The acronym for Latin expression "Nomen nescio" is NN. These abbreviations, at first sight, seem innocent, but they are signs of violence. In fact, they have historically been used to classify the person without a name: “Without a name”
The acronym for Latin expression of Nomen nescio is NN. These abbreviations, at first sight, seem innocent, but they are signs of violence. In fact, historically, they have been used to classify the person without a name: “No name.” Nazism recovered the NN acronym through the decree of Nacht und Nebel (night and fog), which was sanctioned by the National Police. It is the title of a composition of Wagner, honoured by Hitler and converted into the macabre tune of various political prey. The practices of extermination unbearable of the Nazis had an NN categorization.
The CIA identified with this terminology the people disappeared by the dictatorships that participated in the Condor operation in South America: No Name (NN). Today, many of them are on the seabed, nameless, erasing identity. In 2017, in a single year, they abandoned life in the Mediterranean as did the 3,000 migrants, among whom they are also buried in the cemeteries of the Andalusian coast.
Idrissa Diallo was, until now, a "nameless" person, and so they are today the victims of the law on aliens. To all of them the Spanish State takes away their rights and denies them the human condition. These people do not have the same rights as the rest, and it pushes them into a despicable situation. For Western societies that keep alive the trace of their colonialist past, migrants is a worthless life. In spite of everything, their names will not be forgotten. A story like Idrissa's has to go out loud in the consciousness of those who make it possible for them every day. The name of Idrissa Diallo has to change the intention of looking elsewhere to make our own suffering, which is also our responsibility. The Idrissa is still alive, the fight too!
Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.
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Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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