For the Government of Spain, defending Navantia, a military shipyard in Cadiz that builds war material for Saudi Arabia, is to defend the “strategic interests of Spain”: “The Bay of Cadiz is in an area hit by the tragedy of unemployment and on which 6,000 jobs depend,” he said about five war corbetas that are building for Riyadh for EUR 1.8 billion.
Is it not strategic to maintain a sector such as shipbuilding in the Basque Country? There were already quite a few people condemned by the closure of companies such as Euskalduna and the reduction of jobs in the Navy itself. Is it not strategic to keep a region such as the Left Margin alive? The two governments, both Spanish and Basque, have been fully involved in the dismantling of the ... Now it's up to them to find immediate solutions, like the public rescue. It is said that they will take a decision in two weeks' time. In Cadiz, with the Andalusian elections underway, the Navantia workers are reassured because they have become a strategic electoral interest. Here the elections are a bit far away, and we know -- there's no hurry.