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Very hard, but necessary

"Gerrak ez du emakume aurpegirik". Svetlana Aleksievitx. Itzultzailea: Iker Sancho. Elkar, 2017

The work of Belarusian journalist Svetlana Aleksievich was translated by Iker Santxo and published last year by Elkar. In 2015, the author received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Almost one million Soviet women participated in the II International Congress of Basque Studies. During the World War, from 1941 to 1945, his voice has gathered on these pages his experiences of war.

The 300 page report will go beyond the 100-year history of Juan Mari Goikoetxea's life. The memory of this war has been known mainly in American films and European novels, with protagonists of men, Jews and Germans, among others. On this occasion, however, the protagonists are the welded women of the Soviet Union.

In this book we will find a series of horrors as well as exciting passages. In the first chapter he says he wants to write the story of the Women’s War “to make known an entire world that has been hidden”. His intention has been to write about man at war, about feelings and soul, not about great ideas.

In the following 16 sections, the headlines will present their topics of conversation: memory, between men and women, me from war and out of war, war and postwar. What is it to live a war? You also have to tell this story, looking at it from different perspectives. In fact, it's a very useful job to know what the life of previous generations was like.

The presence of men and women is frequent. Both of them miss beauty, sweetness and “feminine” care. They were called sisters and sisters, and the welded women show that they made the lives of men.

They say that to survive in war, you have to be a semi-human semi-animal and you think about another logic. Everything was black and red, dirty and bloody. The cold of winter and the noise of broken bones. However, they say that in it the essential of life has been discovered. Smiles, cigarettes, conversations.

By the time they got used to living among the dead, “victory” came and they began to fear life. Some became “enemies of the people” and diseases began to appear. Men abandoned women. They were not taken into account until after 40 years.

The book is very hard, but necessary. Not to forget what had happened. Demystify ideals. Make women visible. For people to reflect on how to adapt to the most dramatic situations.

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