Bedaio is celebrated every year on a Sunday of the days when the few and November love each other. One more year, with a table to offer the manual LandarLantzen 2019, made with the great Olariaga, and to try to clarify the questions and doubts of the people. On the left, Koro and Izaskun of the Bitarte farmhouse with their sweets and on the right, Lurdes and Edurne of the Gurbiltxiki farmhouse with vegetables, eggs and breads of the house. Before composing the table and starting the party, we went to have a coffee at the bar Abaetxe. From the Plaza del Atrio there is a nice show, and there we are looking at the beautiful landscape that rises on the slopes of the two banks of the Bedaio River. Unlike Aldun, they looked like pinares (Pinus spp.) They're all flushed. I had just dumped a lot as well.
A group of friends from Pinar find themselves hesitant about what to do, what to plant on one of those plots that have been pine forests. It's something we've been renovating for a long time, every time we see ourselves. Jakoba, what do we plant?
A few years ago, a beech plantation (Fagus sylvatica) was installed, which is in view of the arrival of the beech and that the same people who at that time was driving them crazy are now seriously provoking the possibility of planting beech.
On the day of the fair the friends had a new question: Jakoba, we want a forest to call attention in the fall, which tree will we put? To get to this question, they've taken a giant step at home. Speaking of the mountain forest, they have reached a concrete goal of conquering it with the mountain: they want a forest that fills with color in the autumn of this landscape on their mountain.
The future of the mountain and forestry on all the tables, isn't it beautiful to find people who know what they want? Biodiversity, energy, species selection, wood... There may be many goals, but the one of these is to offer the beauty of the fall.
Of course, we form a long list of trees that produce striking colors: in addition to ancient beech trees, the licánbar (Liquidambar styraciflua), the acute maple (Acer platanoides), the white maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), the foliage tilia cordata, the tupé (Nyssa sylvatica) and the robur (Quercus). I didn't talk to you, and as you'll read this, I'll read to you. Tulip of Virginia, Liriodendron tulipifera.
The landscape of pine has been blackened, especially that of pine insignis (Pinus radiata). It's also known as black pine or rapid pine. Black pine, in fact, has blackened the landscape of the mountains in which it has grown, and its pine forests are black at all times of the... [+]